aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Twilight popularity

  1. TieriaErde
    I've always wondered this but how the hell did Twilight even get popular in the first place? The plot wasn't good and vampires don't sparkle, which is a known fact, so how did the Twitard crowd originate???
  2. itasasu87
    Twilight is soooooooo overrated
  3. Kuro_Death13
    Must be fantasy romance thing. . . only because a new girl moves in and everything changes, vampire can't read her and gets lovey dovey. Weird. . .
  4. CeladonicArdor
    seriously... how do you go from plain jane to the most wanted girl? + whos heard of a vampire with no fangs, is a vegetarian (wtf O_o), or is religious??? and I had to spend a year of my life with edward cullen staring me down while I took a history test o_e its totally a cliche I could preddict the whole book before I read it.
  5. Chiazu
    I think Meyers read an over-rated vampire shoujo manga with an obvious plot and thought it would make a good book.
  6. Kuro_Death13
    Hahahaha. . . shoujo when used incorrectly can have terrible, over-rated effect for theaters and us to watch all over the world.
  7. TieriaErde
    I can't believe that it became a comic book as well....I saw a girl the other day reading it and the artwork sucked Some people just take things too far sometimes...
  8. jhyo07
    OMG.....twilight in a comic book?! they must be crazy it is an insult to the manga industry, that good for nothing ugly plot?! some people really dont know how to critique novels....they just go to the flow of society.....twilight doesn't even match a single original yaoi manga
  9. TieriaErde
    Yeah.....It is a MASSIVE insult to the manga industry. I wanted to burn it when I saw the book.
    It's funny because me and my girlfriend were sitting together and some really big fan of Twilight (She had ALOT of Twilight merchandise) was sitting near us so my girlfriend made a big deal about "countering the evil". lmao She ended up pulling out a binder full of anime pictures and drawings on it. It was a funny moment.
  10. HinaNaruSasu
    Twilight Makes me and makes me wanna burn it i would never burn a book but Twilight is an excpetion and i don't understand why it was populaur either i mean sparkly vampires that's retarded

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