aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Fan videos

  1. Mahiru
    Post interesting fan videos here! =)

    Take it off
  2. HNCS
    i know AI has like ended ages ago, and i know kradam isn't going to happen, but i mean this video is still cute: Kradam
  3. Mahiru
    Ohhh god QQ This video's got me into a wild frenzy XD He's got so much groove! Adam Lambert - David Bowie Medley - Hartford Zoom powah! >D
  4. ayaaya
    I knew he had the moves... but dang!
  5. vizard light
    vizard light
    I wonder if Adam do strip dance for his exs.
  6. Mahiru
    That'd be baller ;D
  7. HNCS
    YouTube - Sweet Emotion

    sweet emotion by aerosmith to er... adam's hotness and .. adamXtommy action
  8. vizard light
    vizard light
  9. vizard light
    vizard light
  10. vizard light
    vizard light
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