aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Whats your favorite Season?

  1. RabidYaoiOtaku
    Mine? Is the fifth season ^^ Sailor Stars! Because I love SeiyaUsagi x3! Plus theres no Chibiusa or Mamoru which was a plus xD you can throw rocks now!
  2. tightgrip
    Well, maybe when I have time to watch I should start with the 5th season, then. SeiyaUsagi? That makes me imagine a "Sailor Moon" and "Saint Seiya" cross-over. <--(too much imagination)
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    First of all Thank you for starting the group!!! I was not overly keen on the Fifth season the whole transgender thing was just a bit weird for me still fun but weird so no rock throwing from me ^^ I really enjoyed the second season when they all got new powers and a new transformation sequence was so gorgeous *sigh*
  4. ExoticChocolat
    I must admit my favorite seasons are seasons 4 and 5

    [I love the Sailor Starlights. lol]

    Well I am glad someone created a group solely for Sailor Moon :]
    Expecially since Sailor Moon is my fave magical girl anime.

    I only created the Magical Girls Alliance which is for the fans of all Magical Girl animes and majority of the members are fans of Sailor Moon... so this is very awesome. ^_^
  5. charo
    sailor moon groups! yah! yah! i have many favorite...i would love to see Seiya and Usagi together...starlights are sexy
    i watch sailor moon once a week. i have 1 to 200 espidoes dvd included movies.
  6. fionajunehope
    hi another sailormoon group hurray i am so glad that sailormoon has not been forgottensailormoon is what got me into anime now i have a pretty good collection of sailormoon things and memrobelia and still collectinf mine was the pegasus collectuion.
  7. garnetyuna
    My fav season is the fifth >.< There's Seiya *^* although I have to admit I wished a little for Seiya x Usagi... but I still prefer her with Mamoru.
  8. sapphireleo
    I love the season the amazon trio were in.. I hate the quartet tho -v-... Uhh sorry..Well for me I like all the bl parings I can never see any of the sailor starlights as boys tho.. Ugh don't hate me.. still a little creeped out by it I mean their true forms are girls..right..?? I love fisheye x tigerseye most of all.. and zoisite too..^^ was it malachite..? He was pared up with..? Oh well so love them yay~! ^^
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