aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Hi, thanks for joining:

  1. Blackroseprince
    H-Hi....I'm gay, and, I really really like yaoi, and I'm kinda shy, sorry if I annoy you
  2. laus
    xd Blackroseprince I think you are the first boy who said that hi I'm a gay xd and kinda shy ,no I dont think you are shy xd so I wanna say I'm too Gay (and a lil ,lil like girls xd)so
  3. xXCloudXx
    Hi everybody
    somebody in here from europe?
  4. laus
    hmmm a lot of guys and girls xd
  5. Shinomori
    Hi there. Blackroseprince: welcome to the group. As the creator of this group, I try to be apart of helping people feel better, especially male yaoi fans. I'm(shy and) gay too but nobody'd know unless I told them. So, I partly want this group to be a sort of escape for guys like us. One of my "pet-peaves" would be unhappy homosexuals who feel opressed by anti-gay rhetoric. So, I've devoted my time to helping those individuals sort through all that rubbish, and be able to have logical and beneficial feedback in support of their sexuallity. But most of all, I support their individualism. It's OK to be gay, and it's OK to be shy. I'm here to have pleasant discussions with wonderful people. So if I can help with anything, just let me know.

  6. Sorrowfox
    Well said Shinomori and I absolutely agree. (gay too btw so don't feel alone there Blackroseprince)
  7. blonde180246
    Heey guys, just joined ... I'm a happy bi guy from the south west of England who doesn't care about the rhetorical BS that we have to put up with, I just live my life the way I see fit whilst walking forward and leaving the ignorant jackass's behind. I'm shy in my own way, direct when I need to be and I be careful not to make people uncomfortable about speaking their minds ... who says people like us can't be happy ... we are all human, we all have a life to lead so just live it the way you want, forget about the idiots who take their flaws out on you because it's a waste of time and we've got better things to do with ourselves ... think you are alone? well you are not cos there are many who feel the same who will stand by you through whatever comes along / across
    Live your life and let the chips fall where they may, advice from a 30 year old who's been there
    Bless your heart Blackroseprince for saying that and be proud for saying it and that goes for the rest
  8. Gatoneko
    blonde180246 and Shinomori
    Thanks for saying that
    I am bi but I am uncomfortable with telling people about it because of the homophobic Aholes in the world today.
    But some people I do tell because I trust them and know they wont care, and I can be open with them about everything.
    But most people are still Aholes and its annoying and sad T.T
  9. blonde180246
    Anytime Gatoneko and remember it's not a race nor a space shuttle launch but it is something big in our lives that we want to get off our chests, to able to take the step and feel happy to say it without hesitation ... it's a journey of discovery that isn't (I don't think) any different that what straight people go through. It's the rites of passage that we all go through in order to find ourselves in this world but unfortunately not everyone can have the same journey, some have people around to help them through it and some don't and think they're alone and that's where people like myself come in ... don't feel threatened, uncomfortable or alone ... the road ahead has many turns and bumps but rest assured no matter what happens, find the person inside in your own time and you'll be happy you did
  10. BreathlessAi
    I just joined, i'm so happy to have found this group!!!!!! I haven't found one before, I even asked my yuri lovers (Girl) friends if they knew any
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