aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Series 6 **spoilers**

  1. spirited_soul
    So while writing the heading here I am picturing River Song always saying spoilers to The Doctor.

    Series 6 ep 1 has all the shocks that one could possibly get in DW

    Do not scroll down if you havent seen the ep.

    The Doctor dies!

    Amy is pregnant!

    Cant get anymore shocking than that. Regardless though, I dont like that they want to kill off the Doctor in 200 yrs and that the implication is also that Eleven is the last Doctor! I think this is still continuing the destruction of the Universe storyline and all that happened in the Impossible Astronaut will be undone. Afterall if Rory is now human again so he got Amy pregnant then even the Doctor's death can eventually reversed. I hope.

    Any thoughts?
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