aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Favourite Companion?

  1. spirited_soul
    So we all have our favourite Doctor but whether it was 10th or 4th or 11th each Doctor had his companion. So who is your favourite?
    Did you like the young bleached-blonde Rose Tyler?
    What about domineering yet cute Amy Pond?
    Or maybe you preferred the wise-cracking antics of cheeky Temp Donna Noble?
    Or do you prefer the professional sophistication of Dr. Martha Jones (she gets kudos for snogging 10th the first time they meet^^)?
    Maybe you are of a more nostalgic mind and really long for the days of our longest running companion Sarah Jane Smith?

    For me I will say, it's obviously Captain Jack that I love the best. Wait. Before you sy he wasn't really a companion I must disagree! He travelled with the Doctor for 8 episodes (almost as much as Martha) and he helped fly the TARDIS and he snogged 9th!

    My fave Companion is Captain Jack!!
    Runner-up will be Sarah Jane Smith

    So who is your fave?
  2. FujoshiFTW
    I would be lying through my teeth if I didn't say Donna Noble. She was utterly hilarious and went really well with the Doctor. I liked her the best since she got the fact that he was an alien (fine; timelord) with two-hearts and that they would never end up together, therefore having no romantic thoughts about him and treating as just a friend.

    Runner-up would be Captain Jack Harkness. He is like sex on legs.
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