aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Current episode discussion

  1. Melisande
    Hello! ^_^

    I agree with you there, for one thing the whole book of Saxon thing was out of nowhere, and seriously needed more explanation. It seemed to just be there to get the Master back. In fact most of the episode was a staging for the next series, and the story had so many loopholes it was ridiculous. I guess since Davies is so popular, they didn't want to offend him and protest to his ideas >.>

    Still, I did enjoy the part after the Time Lords and the Master were destroyed. It was a very touching ending. Some of the ideas were good though, and more could have been done with them, as you said with the Master planet and all. And the Time Lords could have had more of an impact too, they barely were a blip in the story, just there to connect the dots really.

    I also would have loved to see a bit more of Doctor-Donna, I was quite dissapointed by her brief role here. Also the Doctor's mother.. how did she get out of the time lock to leave clues? I still don't quite get that, I thought they were all stuck in there until the Master got them out.
  2. Ohjisama
    Yea there were loads of problems with the end of time I'm not going to try to pick it apart too much I'm just trying to look forward to the new doctor and hopefully he will be better, anyways next episode is going to be on earth "sigh" hopefully they have some good aliens at least.. Does anyone know if the schedule for the next episode is out yet for airing times that is?
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