aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Whos your favorite doctor?

  1. Ohjisama
    Mine is the 4th doctor Tom Baker is amazing <3 <3 <3 and then if I had to put the rest of them in order it would probably be something along the lines of 4th, 3rd, 7th, 10th, 6th (didn't really like the 6th but the trial of the time lords was here which I loved) 5th and then in last would be 9th and 8th they were both too short for me to get into them at all 8th was only a movie and the 9th only got 1 short season. I also left out the 1st and 2nd because I have only seen half of the first doctor and only one or two arcs from the second doctor so I can't really judge them very well on my favorite rankings.
    How about everyone else?
  2. HNCS
    how long does it take to finish the classic series? because i want to.. but to catch up with 8 doctors worth of doctor who is a lot!!! and i have a good excuse since... i wasn't born or fully conscious when the classic series was on though judging from the pieces of doctor who i've found on the internet, i'm guessing the one thing i won't like about the classic series are the companions... they all seem a bit... stupid....i'm guessing this would be more true as we move towards the earlier doctors.

    .... and naturally... i can only say i like the 10th the best... though i think in terms of judging who our fav is, tennant is right in saying that whatever we see first tends to be our fav, so naturally tom baker with 7 years of who, would top the list for many.
  3. Ohjisama
    First about getting caught up it is more of watching 3-8 instead of 1-8 mainly due to the fact that first and second doctor are so old that the bbc was running out of storage and decided to just destroy the only copies of the 1st and 2nd doctor but only certain stories so they don't actually exist any more other than audio and some pictures from the episodes but there are a few episodes / stories that still exist for the 1st and 2nd but it is very limited. Watching the 3-8 takes a long time still though in terms of length it is like 600ish episodes for the 3-7 and then the movie for the 8th. At 24 minutes an episode because themes were very short in the old who (got 24 minutes from looking at one of my old episodes - the themes) it is about 10 solid days of watching doctor who to get caught up 240 hours on the over estimate side. I watched the doctors very slowly myself I've been watching ti since I was 15 or 14 I forget and I spaced watching it all out over a few years but if you are really devoted I'm sure you could watch it in a month or two.

    Anyways about the companions I always had the impression the new who companions were more annoying in the old who the companions save the doctor many many times so they are actually very useful and not as dumb as you may think. In the key to time arc in the 4th doctor I forget the companions name but she is always making fun of who dumb the doctor is and how he only managed to pass his doctors examine with a 51% on the second try. When the doctor is breaking in new companions though they can be pretty useless and the first doctor seemed to be packed with useless companions also. Like ace in the 7th doctor is my favorite companion she is always blowing things up and she is very helpful. Don't let the companions hang you up on watching it there are some bad ones but I mean the new who had some terrible companions also like that one guy they pick up in the 9th doctor for like 1 or 2 episodes right after the Dalek episode.

    Also if you don't know about Babelcolour on youtube makes some amazing videos for doctor who he has made tributes to all the doctors and big characters and a bunch of other cool stuff. YouTube - BabelColour's Channel
  4. HNCS
    Thanks for all of that! i will watch the youtube channel as soon as i get out of china where they ban it
  5. blackcat10
    Mine is the 10th doctor but i haven't watched much of the old stuff...but i plan on watching it!
  6. darkalchemist
    The 4th ofc I also loved the 9th tho he was only around for such a short time. :3
  7. Ohjisama
    yay more fans of the 4th
  8. darkalchemist
    Ofc Not everyone has only seen the new series
  9. Grottenberg
    Tennant! Not only is he great in the role, but he's edible, too.
  10. Mordor
    9th and 4th.


    *kills Grots Tennant*
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