aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The 11th doctor!

  1. Grottenberg
    So far he has been great. I didn't want to let go of David Tennant either, but Matt Smith really is not bad at all.
  2. CSMars
    ^ agreed. I think Matt Smith's doc is similar to ten but different enough so you can enjoy them separately.

    I'm on the fence about the new companion, though... it seems suspiciously like the whole Rose thing all over again, except I like Amy less than Rose and Rory more than Mickey. We'll see what happens!
  3. maiku
    David Tennant will forever be the best Doctor. But i have to say, I kind of like Matt. He's rather funny. I was a little put off at first, but he grows on you. I do miss my David though.
  4. spirited_soul
    I love the Eleventh doctor! I think they had a brilliant idea to get a young looking doctor who thinks a lot like an old man.

    I hope that since Moffat wrote the Empty Child two-parter he would have Captain Jack meet Eleventh Doctor. .. and River Song.
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