aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. Mifeman
    There was so much blood rushing to my head after seeing those new pics... (i'm always fainting in this group )

    @dealla: do you like football? Who is your favorite team and player? There are some really hot guys
  2. Talasca
    Gaah! Work is so wrong place to look these pics. *looks over her shoulder* But I can't resist! >_<;;
  3. Lent
    Actually I would like some coffee and brownies going together with our hot pics but the guys said 'No girls', so they can't expect us to share now.
  4. YorumiAkihime
    Whoaaaa, moooore such pics
  5. shattered
    i like football too! jumped on the world cup bandwagon but ... i still cant forgive italy for beating australia with a questionable penalty during the round of 16 they're hot guys though (some of them >_> and not including materazzi ... because i like zidane ) which teams/players do you like mifeman?
    i have a soft spot for kaka and michael ballack but when its teams, i like the one that's winning or well ... kicks interesting goals

    LOL at the poor lil dude standing at the back of that locker room
  6. Mifeman
    @shattered: I like kaka also, he is cute! But i idolize, the great and only Luis Figo... He isn't very pretty (in the conventional way) but he just oozes charm
  7. Awkward Silence
    Awkward Silence
    *drools at all of the new pics*


    <---- (doesn't know what else to say )
  8. eiri
    OMG another batch of heavenly pictures. My eyes couldn't get any bigger, even my blood is evaporating away from all the hotness!
  9. schetenei
    @lent I'll poke one of my friends for Divergence Ekin is there too
    @ Mifeman Figo, that's one block of testosteron
  10. Lent
    @schetenei Yup, Ekin is acting in there too! Dunno what Aaron is doing, but it looks good.
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