aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. KuraiYamasaki
    Hello there ^^
    I'm new in this group *bow*

    Oh, I like manga much more ... but anime or movies are also nice ...
  2. chillipepper
    Hey there, I'm joining too since I am a girl. I was actually surprised that there were quite a lot of guys too, usually guys tell me yaoi is disgusting and stuff like that. But anyways, greetings from chill.
  3. TheHunted
    @hioca: Heh. At least you've read and liked the manga. (Which is always better then the animations.) The OVAs were how I got into Gravitation, so I guess thats why I like them... who knows.
    Nice to meet you too!

    @chill: Hey! Welcome!
    Yeah, I was surprised too. I figured it was a girls thing.

    @KuraiYamasaki: Welcome to the group.
    Hm... I'm more of a movie and show person. Mangas just don't have the sounds. Hehe.
  4. tinyrachie
    go team Female!
  5. MiyaJadecube
    *cheers group* Haha ya go us!! <<--long overdue from myself

    Sorry haven't been around...I'll find something juicy to add pic-wise later guys!! ~_^
  6. hioca
    hunted:Well its a good way into the story have you finished it though?
  7. bella28385
    I was just looking at the pics again and Michael has caught my attention
    Thanks for the people putting up pics...yummy!
  8. Mrs.Sugiyama
    *feels really late* Hi fellow females It's like, really akward that I'm just joining this group and I've been here for a while...Oh well! Hope to see you guys around!
  9. mannc
    HI, new member...
  10. TheHunted
    @hioca: Yep! I had a crazy obsession for it and thus made sure I saw everything there was to see of it. hehe
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