aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. Mifeman
    OH YES!!! Men in uniforms My favorites are the naval ones. In my country they are dark blue and white or all white *drools*
    Also, I live near a school for airplane pilots and they wear these really sexy leather jackets with cream pants... When i go out and seem some of them... --> Massive nosebleed!!!
  2. Nachtwind
    ...*ahem*...here's a war going on?o_O

    anyway: men in uniforms are damn hot.
    (besides: does anyone of you watch period dramas? Those gorgeous olfashioned suits and costumes with tight pants and high jackboots the men wear just make me go ~rrrrrrrrrrrrr~)
  3. makiyuki
    @ dealla: Great topic... Al was really sexy...something about the hat and white uniform made his beautiful blue eyes stand out.
    @Mifeman, there are lots naval guys in the area where I live and the white uniforms are my fav.
    @ Nactwind : I love period dramas...some of the best scenes are those where the guy sheds the uniform jacket and opens his shirt; exposing a peek at his bare chest. The tight pants are sooo sexy.
  4. Nachtwind
    @makiyuki: YES! - *faintingdanger* - not to mention the tight uniform-like jackets and high collars and ties - but yes - best is when they take it all off *wink*
  5. lemonpocky
    hey! im new in the group... please take care of me
  6. makiyuki
    Welcome to the group lemonpocky.

    @ Nactwind, you are right...it is a very nice sight when all is bared. Smart, shiny uniforms scattered on the floor...yummy.
  7. Tenjou
    @lemonpocky... Welcome !!!! *waves*

    Oh, yes... Naval uniform are especially nosebleedy for me too.. Have you watched "JAG"? I adooore the main character in white uniform.... Since then I have a thingy for white uniforms... So yummy....^_-

    So.. what kind of other uniforms do you like.. Tell me, girls!!!! I became kind of interested... Maybe you could post pics of hot guys in uniforms that you like?

    BTW.. I noticed that the most friskier pics disappeared from our group.. lol.... I saw in the guys group that Dai-kun made an observation to remove the pics that are semi-nude [full front or butt showing...].....
  8. lemonpocky
    hmm... i like guys in a firefighter uniform! there's something in these charchoal smeared guys with muscular bodies which makes them hot!
  9. Nachtwind
    mh....you probably won't like the same kind of uniform-like jackets as i do.
    as i said - i love those of the elizabethan/viktorian age.
    period drama rule! *yay* - but if you insist on it i will search for a nice pic
    (with a half opened jacket and shirt for you makiyuki *wink*)
  10. makiyuki
    @ Manius Nice pictures, there is something fascinating about a man wearing only an apron.
    @ Nachtwind I am looking forward to that pic with a slighly bare chest.
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