aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. shattered
    72:41 we're still well ahead of the guys even with they're bribing!

    its funny now that you mention it, whenever we go out as a group of friends, who ever has the biggest and roomiest bag ends up carrying things for everyone i guess the the convenience of the space ... but at least its not the same person each time, we unconsciouly rotate it around
  2. makiyuki
    Wait till you get married...even when your all dressed up carrying a tiny evening bag... your husband still wants you keep his walllet, keys, and cellphone. What am I a pack mule?
  3. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Yes but just envision the look on his face when he opens up his birthday gift and finds ... a man bag. "You're always using mine, so I thought you wanted one, sweetie!"

    Hey, over 25 ladiez, join the badassedest club ever, Geezer Geeks XD And just to make it fair, you youngin's should make an under 25 club :P
  4. angerbda
    makiyuki: that's why I don't carry bag anymore. I'm fed up to end up being the "caddy"
  5. Kair
    Teehee. I don't mind carrying the stuff around. I just love big bags. But when it get's too heavy, I just ask a friend to "hold it for a sec" like I'm busy doing something. And then I don't take it back. It's a nice way to get the bag off my shoulders for a while.
  6. makiyuki
    @ Artemis His look would go beyond shock...
    @angerbda The last time I didn't carry a bag he forgot his keys and we were locked out of both house and car.
  7. lexicdys
    LOL I give my wallet, keys, and cell to either my sister or my best friend when we go out... I think my sis is trying to hint something by buying me a purse for my bday, xmas AND easter... I can start my own collection now
  8. angerbda
    Yaoilover, better than a collection, if you got enough of them, along with the shoes you don't wear, open a shop I'm sure lots of the girls here will take a look at your stock
  9. Tenjou
    I'm totally pro-bag, preferably BIG bags..... I never had those girly bags, I always had big, sporty bags, because I carry with me my wallet, cellphone, a book to read when I had free time,CD-case [just in case]... and many more small things... And no one asked me before to hold in my bag their things.. Lucky me?^_^

    But a collection? Never.... As soon my bag wears out I buy a new one....
  10. Lent
    LOL, look what Dai-kun posted in the Guys' Club!

    "There's sooo many girls, I don't think we'll ever be bigger than their group.. if it comes down to it, I'll just delete their group.
    MUHAHAHA J/k!! I hope none of the girls are reading this."

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