aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Who is your fav bishie/bishies?

  1. flyingmoon
    Tell us your fav bishie and if you got any pairings!
  2. flyingmoon
    my fav pairing - sesshiexinuyasha

    cos its more love than hate! yah they fight all the time... but really why do they proclaim to want each other dead but leave everytime the other is defeated and vulnerable to be killed? arnt they just too strong headed to admit they are using their battles to get to know each other more?

    its funny how sessh doesnt want to take tessaiga after he knows inuyasha needs it to keep his demon blood in control. i think he's more jealous of his brother having more of his daddy's attention and receiving father's heirloom than the heirloom itself. and he always claims how he is the one to kill Inuyasha, by making his claim he can save his face by defending Inuyasha when else tries to kill him and acts like he doesnt care.
    lastly i love a romance of enemy-turned-lovers - but that doesnt mean i support naraku and inuyasha- its just way too wierd (and naraku doesnt have a proper body - he has a huge mess of whatever you call those squishy tentacle things and i dont like tentacles)

    I dont support incest but inuyasha and sesshoumaru are just 2 very yummy characters (drool) and their opposing personality (and constant fake death threats) makes them a great couple if they arnt brothers!
  3. Berylcrazy
    I like Sess but just love Kogo even though he does like Kagome T>T I like what he wears, so manly
  4. flyingmoon
    i think its even more manly if kouga doesn't wear any top! why does he wear something on his chest and leaves his tummy bare? just take it off! wanna see his chest *drool*
  5. Aeli
    i love koga, he's soo sexy!
  6. fionajunehope
    i think naraku is nice even if he is the bad guy but wouldnt it be nice to seem no longer the bady
  7. flyingmoon
    haha naraku would be handsome if he isnt so freaky with disengaging tentacles as his body parts!
  8. fionajunehope
    ah but he will be difernt i hope when he is purified hay isnt it wiered how it look like kagome has power that may be better than you now who but its looking like its sealed who buy i wonder?
    My fav one is inuyasha just luv him. Id love if inuyasha was hving as lver his brother sesshomaru itd b great, thn naraku and sesshomaru, or a 3 of inuyasha, naraku and sesshmaru lol"!! Itd b greattt luv emmm
  10. flyingmoon
    @fiona - watch the newest episodes...
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