Ken is banned cuz thank you, have you been to the beach lately?
Accatone is banned because you are welcome. No, I think it's been like two years now.
Ken is banned cuz wow! You need to go asap.
Accatone is banned because I don't think I might go sadly.
Ken is banned cuz I wold sensei.... it's been 3 and half years since I last went to the sea >.<
Saku is banned cuz what?!! Have a swim in a lake at least.
Accatone is banned because a lake.
Ken is banned cuz I don't understand why he can't go to the beach any longer? Something prevents you from that?
Accatone is banned because yeah sadly. But I can see it through youtube so it's alright.
Ken is banned cuz I think we need a discussion. A lot of things seem to have happened.