aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The Lounge Bar

  1. sakura1685
    Acca-sama is banned cuz life sucks and then you die...
  2. accatone
    Saku si banned cyuz sorry for the dalayed, my PC is acting weird. Indeed, you said it. I just have to add, that most of the time, life can be happy but people ****s it for you.
  3. sakura1685
    Acca-sam is banned don't worry sensei, I know... anyway I will make baby steps and try to leave on ..now is hard cuz i keep waiting for them to come home, or be home when I come from town, i think this is what hurts the most..the search and the waiting (damn, i stated crying)
  4. accatone
    Saku is banned cuz I don't know what to say, not knowing all the details. Just hang in there. Are you seeking medical counsel?
  5. sakura1685
    Acca-sama is banned cuz, no sensei..I will be able to pass it.. if it will be needed I will go. But for the moment I don't feel the need.
  6. accatone
    Saku is banned cuz I only said because it can help. A very little. It only helps by mkaing you understand nothing is wrong with you, just normal stuff so you don't beat yourself up but the doctors won't help you in anything. It's just so that you know it's normal to feel depressed or sad. Sorry for the late answer.
  7. sakura1685
    Acca-sama is banned cuz it's ok sensei..I know how busy life can get...
  8. accatone
    Saku is banned cuz not much the business but a sort of distance from anime and manga world. Haven't watched one in 2 months. Part it's me who isn't in the mood, part is the quality of the animes, part is I feel guilty not doing "better things".
  9. BloodSage13
    Acca-sama is banned because I hope you guys are doing fine.
  10. sakura1685
    Sage is banned cuz...little one I hope you are ok too
    Sensei I know the feeling..I haven't watch a good anime for half of year already >.<
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