Saku is banned cuz we was waiting for a cheerleading dance!
Acca-sama is banned cuz sensei you what that from me? I will try but I got a cold so don't laugh to hard
Saku is banned cuz put your warmest leggings and cheer!
Acca-sama is banned cuz >.< sensei don't laugh at me..
Saku is banned cuz I don't. Though, I still wonder how you would look in leggings. *Perv mode*
Acca-sama is banned cuz >/////////////////< kyaaaaaaaa... sensei MERRY CHRISTMAS guys ^^
Saku is banned cuz merry christmas.
Acca-sama is banned cuz sensei, any news from Angel? I've send her messages on twitter but no news >.<
Saku is banned cuz I sent her a xmas message but nothing in return.
Acca-sama is banned cuz same here, and I send her a Xmas card.