Ken is banned cuz you want lick my finger.
Accatone is banned because I know a kiss to make it better but a lick? Will it make it better?
Ken is banned cuz well a kiss won't cover all the surface.
Accatone is banned because then lick, may I?
Ken is banned cuz no, it was a joke. No reason for us to become all hentai.
Accatone is banned because hentai? Why? I hope all the burns are better.
Ken is banned cuz have you ever watched a hentai film?
Accatone is banned because No, A friend once shared some pictures but I disliked it so much, nearly made me sick really...
Ken is banned cuz no I was speaking about Japanese hentai animes.
Accatone is banned because oh, it's the same to me, one of my friends shared a picture of a threesome, I disliked it too much. Not my thing I guess. *Blush* I I think I'm the romantic type....