Ken is banned cuz nothing is wrong.
Accatone is banned because you bet! Hmm Can I offer a massage for you?
Ken is banned cuz it's too hot to be touched by anyone.
Accatone is banned because oh is that why you sound like this Wanna some cold juice or ice cream?
Ken is banned cuz I want a pool.
Accatone is banned because *Hold a towel* Then your royal pool is waiting for you, your highness*
Ken is banned cuz Hahaha, it's cruel to make me hope for the unobtainable.
Accatone is banned because sorry Can't you go to a puplic pool or something over there?
Ken is banned cuz what?They're dirty filled with dirty people.
Accatone is banned because sorry, I so hope to give you a provate clean one But here..