Ken is banned cuz don't be influenced by what others think of you.
Accatone is banned because *SHake my head* Nope, my pride will forbid such thing plus my spirit don't go down that easily and the boss know it, that's makes it a bit hard for others *Grins*
Ken is banned cuz in all cases, I trust in your judgment.
Accatone is banned because *Smile all proud * I thank you *Bow all respectully* I learned from the best after all.
Ken is banned cuz: ) I have to go to bed now, have a nice sleep you too.
Accatone is banned because Thank you dear, wish you the same and more
Ken is banned cuz I can't find sleep.
Accatone is banned because I only slept three hours Hope you are sleeping now.
Ken is banned cuz I slept but all this is not healthy.
Accatone is banned because I know my body ache and hurt when I move, even when I'm typing this I'm having a bit hardtime to do but what can I do? I'm a bat remembe XD