Accatone is banned because it's lonely to be the only happy one here. *Backs off* Though I respect what you want.
Ken is banned cuz tell me what makes you happy and may be I'll be happy.
Accatone is banned because *Feel embarrassed* No, you will think it's just silly and weird. *Take a book and read*
Ken is banned cuz now I'm interested.
Accatone is banned because No, *Try to ignore the shining eyes*
Ken is banned cuz onegai.
Accatone is banned because >.< fine! *Get's excited at the memory* I toke a shower and while I was washing a colorful bubble appeared! It's amazing!
Ken is banned cuz no comment.
Accatone is banned because I thought so I'm weird.
Ken is banned cuz no, it's not, it happens. I was just imagining another reason.