aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The Ice Cream Truck has come to town.

  1. renaru
    ken is banned as i wake up for 15 minutes... it appears i have slept 2 hours, been up for 1 hour, sleep 2 hours... been like this all day yesterday, and last night. and i have been up 20 minutes and am already sleepy
  2. sakura1685
    Ren is banned cuz I'm here just to say hi and a
  3. accatone
    Sakura is banned cuz .
    Ren is banned cuz that's not good.
  4. ken
    Accatone is banned because O.O That's complicated
  5. renaru
    ken is banned because i cant help it.. im so sleepy
  6. ken
    Rena is banned because You can relax ^^ Or move around?
  7. renaru
    ken is banned because i am supposed to be relaxing.. trying to get this to heal... but if anyone knows me, they know i have a hard time lazing around... but the antibiotics and pain meds they gave me keep me down pretty well.
  8. ken
    Rena is banned because that's a good news right
  9. renaru
    ken is banned because i suppose for my healing jaw it is
  10. ken
    Rena is banned because of who is she are
Results 1201 to 1210 of 1302