Ren is banned cuz wouldn't like to do the same? The call of the wild.
Ren is banned cuz yes it was sensei, and yes it is Renny he loves to run in the snow( and eat it )
acca-sama is banned because i DID try... this is what happened: i got stuck sakura is banned because cute!
Ren is banned cuz you're more cute
sakura is banned because this is the whole picture: so cute... time for movie watching, be back later.
Ren is banned cuz that's hyper funny.
acca-sama is banned because i know... i was crackin up when i saw it...
Ren is banned cuz . I overslept and missed marketing.
acca-sama is banned because >.< im sorry to hear that
Ren is banned cuz still not asleep? Going to it, now.*Crawl to school.*