Ren is banned cuz you're worried? Don't worry, I'm a rock.
acca-sama is banned because.... *shakes my head and hugs you* nobody is forever. *taps your cheek and smiles* welcome back, by the way
Ren is banned cuz what's wrong with sensei?
sakura is banned because lol nobody said anything is wrong with him... im being paranoid ya know. im a tad over-protective
Ren is banned cuz my laptop was screwed few weeks ago, Saturday my external hard drive was screwed and now the super expensive computer I bought is acting weird. I had to renistall and the problem isn't solved. I've reached my limits.
acca-sama is banned because WTF?! what is it doing? i can understand being at your limit.
Acca-sama is banned cuz awww that sucks sensei
Ren is banned cuz I wanted to resize a partition, it didn't work, damned soft and now it asks me every time to tell it, on what partition to reboot. It works but it's annoying.
acca-sama is banned because yeah... i know all about that. at least it works.. but when you pay the money, you expect something to work >.<
Ren is banned cuz now it rebooted itself without asking and is running without anything displayed on the screen. I paid this **** 600 euros with a 2 year warranty. I'm going to scream at those bastards. They think I can get out 600 euros for a brick making noise. *Using my screwed up laptop.*