Ren is banned cuz we thought you'll come later.
acca-sama is banned because its just.. whenever.. and i have a messed up sleep schedule.
Ren is banned cuz I didn't know you're here
sakura is banned because the nurse gave me my computer back
Ren is banned cuz you're in a hospital and I didn't know
sakura is banned because this is day 2.5... should be out tomorrow.
Ren is banned cuz I must leave now but I'll be back in 3 hours hope you'll be here love, and I want all the details still can't believe I didn't know
sakura is banned because i wont be.. but maybe later on this evening.
Ren is banned cuz oops, I forgot to tell her and I'm feeling nauseous.
Acca-sama is banned cuz I'm back and yes you did