aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. renaru
    acca-sama is banned because... like i would even bother to try with you.
  2. accatone
    Ren is banned cuz she seems to have become impudent.
  3. renaru
    acca-sama is banned because impudent is different than assuming. you have never let me before, why would you now? i would love to send you a card or note. but i dont see you letting me know a place to send it to.
  4. accatone
    Ren is banned cuz what difference will it make?
  5. renaru
    acca-sama is banned because it doesnt make a difference. its called politeness.. i know you know the term.
  6. accatone
    Ren is banned cuz I was speaking about sending a card or a PM? But you seem that you have decided to pick on me today. Unfortunately, I'm late for a rendez-vous, so it's going to stop her. The other meaning I had in mind, is what a gift or card change in a relation that has greatly deteriorated lately.
  7. renaru
    acca-sama is banned because i dont understand why you think i pick on you. i dont mean to make it seem that way.... it just seemed you were questioning my reason for wanting to send you...well i see what you mean.. *smiles* i think sending something handwritten is more special, is all. and rather than thinking of what has happened of late, i enjoy sending and giving things for christmas.
    thank you for reminding me of the ...whatever it was.. behind your politeness, however i held no ill will. i only want to celebrate the holiday.. if you dont want a card from me.
  8. sakura1685
    Ren is banned cuz i'm back .
  9. renaru
    sakura is banned because welcome.
  10. accatone
    Ren is banned cuz did I make her sad?
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