aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. renaru
    its cold here too ^__^ almost like a blizzard.. i love it!
  2. sakura1685
    Ren is banned cuz I also love it but I only had my sweater on me >.<
  3. renaru
    sakura is banned because O.o how come you didnt have your coat?
  4. sakura1685
    Ren is banned cuz I didn't imagine it will be so cold and though I'll stay just few minutes ^___^
  5. renaru
    sakura is banned because im a little mad... anything to make money... the last harry potter movie being made into 2 movies... the book SUCKED
    god that makes me so irritated...
  6. accatone
    Ren is banned cuz she is envious of HP's creator.
  7. renaru
    acca-sama is banned because she has money... great.. and the books were all good up till the last one.. where she was just in a hurry to end it.. and that pissed me off.
  8. sakura1685
    Acca-sama is banned cuz Ren I know and I heard it will be at 2 years difference they really suck.
  9. accatone
    Sakura is banned cuz I never read it and I don't feel diminished.
  10. renaru
    acca-sama is banned because well it isnt really your type of book, i wouldnt think... but they were really well written...
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