aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Sinebran
    YAY! so far it sounds like my work is closed tomorrow for the storm. Just waiting for an offical closing of government buildings.

    Not sleeping will mess you up. Why are you having trouble sleeping, if I may ask?
  2. flockenfutter
    o__o oh dear please forgive me I haven't noticed cause I was afk ;___; thank you sooooooo much, I don't know what to say.. if there's anything I can do for you, please don't ever hesitate to tell me
  3. kumakun
    because I have insomnia...been to sleep clinic did the tests..was studied..I do have insomnia..full blown..longest I've been awake with out one second of sleep was 5 and a half days...don't know why..just am..

    and yay for no work but uh wish it was for a better reason..

    flockenfutter I was joking no heed to say so please forgive me and I did it cause I do that from time to time its whats been keeping me from my million points lol..keep giving them to people or buy cards
  4. flockenfutter
    insomnia? a friend of mine has that too, seems to be really tough. isn't there any medicine you can take?

    and joke or not I still wanted to say thank you cause it's really nice from you and not only for the card also for welcoming me so nicely here ^_^
  5. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Silly Kumakun!! *wags finger* If you leave this forum I will hunt you down and drag you back by your shiny black hair!!

    Oh, insomnia! Oh dear! The worst for me was not being able to fall asleep one night. I just finally got out of bed, went down stairs, turned on the t.v. and watched the morning shows. But five days! Aieee. What did they tell you at the sleep clinic? Have you tried drugs like Ambien? My sister is a strident devotee of Ambien.
  6. Sinebran
    insomnia is tought to beat. I had it once, still kinda do but I taught myself a trick to make myself fall asleep.

    bah, its just a tropical storm and its now turning away from us. I wanted rain, wind and power outages.
  7. kumakun
    flockenfutter alright then

    Artemis ! well I don't like the way I am on here sometimes and it bothers me so I think about leaving..but lent is letting me be a judge which is nice of her for sure
    ah crap someone was talking about maybe using judges for the caption contest..someone we both know and I said you'd be a good judge....I don't know if she asked you but I hope thats ok?
    they didn't tell me a damn thing at the sleep clinic other then I didn't sleep..I think they wanted me to sleep so they could study me but..I didn't sleep..
    yeah I take two things by perscripton but my dr is having issues getting them right but hes new and trying and nice so I'm letting it go for now..tho I would rather be sleeping at 3 am

    Sinebran but you still don't have work right? I've slept weird my whole life but only had full blown insomnia for 6-7 years
  8. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Ahh I hate to say it but if your doctor isn't really helping you, perhaps you should seek a second opinion Poor you ... have you tried meditation and yoga? I have also heard that establishing a "bedtime" ritual, such as washing your face, brushing your teeth, etc. helps gear your body towards sleepiness. They also say that it's extremely important for you to wake up at the same time everyday, even on weekends.

    I'm sure you've tried or heard of all of these, but I'm doing what I can to try and help you

    Oh I don't mind you offering my services lol Nope, no one has contacted me. Like I said, people don't seem to like me to much even in the chat meeting that we all had, someone was like, "Why do you have to be serious, chill out" or something, which really hurt me ... it's not like I was trying to be "overly" harsh; I just wanted to professional and efficient about covering all the topics that needed to covered. Plus I just find all that juvenile spamming sooo irritating, not to mention disrespectful to the people trying to organize the meeting. Fortunately, though, Dai-kun banned that person for the meeting.

    Well keep us up to date on your insomnia; I'll be thinking peaceful thoughts in your direction
  9. kumakun
    no hes a new dr and hes the best I've had so far its just that hes a younger guy and forgets to write one or the other...he does home visits ( yes thats how bad I am tho I don't want to talk about it) he comes on friday and we can't get in touch with him till tuedays.. I think he just needs to calm down and he'll get it right ^ ^

    yeah I know all that...sadly like I said I've had weird sleepingness? my whole life..and so has my mom and some other fam members..
    yep I know and I thank you

    how people not like you I don't believe it!
    oh I was in the chat for a second and saw you talking and I think that sometimes people need to be serious about somethings on here so I was happy to see you saying what you thought because what I saw you say I agreed with ( tho I forget what it was)
    and the spamming pisses me off like nothing else and good for Dai-kun!
    I think you do things the right way on here and the people say otherwise are wrong and are most likely the ones that making me want to leave this place got worked up there for a min

    haha thanx I'll need peaceful thoughts..I wanted to sleep today cause I'm getting an ekg done and I don't want my heart going batshit crazy
  10. Sinebran
    Nope, I shut the storm shutters on the court files and I refuse to open them until wensday( I know I spell it wrong, but I refuse to spell it properly). Lol, yeah as far as I know we're still off.

    The routine Artemis talked about helps with a lot of people. My mother plays solitare in bed every night and it helps her.

    I can't stay in a routine worth shit, I believe my sleep troubles are associated to having such a sporatic thought process. So I create a story in my head, fantasy, or whatever. And every night when I lay down I force myself to concentrate on this one story, changing it, adding, tweaking, replaying. And eventually I fall asleep because Im not thinking of ten things at once.
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