aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. hayenga
    O.O"""" Kuma? WTF!?

    Hi there PseudoL nice to meet you! Call me Sammi! (also that goes for the rest of you hehehehe!)

    KUMA!!!!!!!!! THE EXCLAMATION POINT IS BACK!!!!!! MUKA HOW COULD YOU! hahaha jk jk but seriously using this thing a lot lately >>>>>!!!
  2. kumakun
    how could muka do what?

    oh crap he went back to school didn't he? he said 12th...
    he doesn't talk to me to much anymore and the sex pic is so wtf lol I was like omg! he wouldn't pay me...no way...so not the persons personality plus I'm not a *****:/

    I doubt I'll remember Sammi...but I'll try..yeah I paid the person for the art and sponsered a contest thing for a friend..she only needed 10.000 but I gave her 20,000 for the second half....points..I want my million points!
  3. yng_tr
    Hi PseudoL!! Welcome to the forums How are ya?
  4. Bemused Dreamer
    Bemused Dreamer
    3_3 I could have sworn that I was away from this forum for only a few days and I was completely lost by the time I got here. Nice to see the place so lively?

    Er, hellos to all the people who recently joined :3

    I have no idea how people can get a million points x_x I just dump mine in the bank and try not to touch 'em.
  5. hayenga
    YES KUMA! and i know i know am a lilo crazy atm but its gonna happen....

    and WTF?!?!?!?!?!! So dont wanna know.

    Hi Dreamer and yng_tr! and dreamer i understand completely! SO LOST AFTER A COUPLE OF DAYS! hehehe
  6. Sinebran
    So many new faces and I was only gone 8-ish hours. O.o
    Hi everyone. *waves*

    To answer your question waaay back there on the second page yng_tr, mine would have to be err...um...I guess I don't really have one. I'm a slasher at heart. >.<

    You'll get there someday Kuma I'm sure.
  7. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Points ... hmm, Kuma dear, I'd give you points but I saw you said a while back that you wanted to earn them

    I wish someone would ask ME to sponsor a contest; I have all these points and nothing to do with them!
  8. flockenfutter
    hi everyone ^^
  9. kumakun
    flockenfluffer you joined!

    Artemis you can sponsor me sponsoring her! lol I dunno..I just can't touch my points for a month

    but if you really want to let me know cause I'm sure she'd love to have another sponsor ^ ^

    one of the things I paid for was for lent but it came out wrong..but since she spent time on it I paid her..I think shes going to try again...

    yeah I wanna get them myself but its not working out..can't draw..suck at writing..and can't make sets or wallpaper oh well..maybe I'll have them by next year?I mean I'm only 300,000 points away!
  10. hayenga
    seriously gonna stop tryna understand whats going on....

    HI FLOCKENFUTTER!!!!!!!! nice to meet you! am Sammi!
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