aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Sinebran
    I like your crew Artemis, especially Kon.

    Ugh, I just picked up Interview with the Vampire. Now I'm going to be reading non-stop now. >.<
  2. kumakun
    I've never read that...vampires are so not my thing..I was suprised I watched the movie lol

    this is something thats been bugging me..I want more points...as you all know..so I can help people with contests and make my own...so I borrow from schiz who is my awesome friend..but I don't like it...so I wanna get my own..but the only thing I can do on here is captions since I suck at writting and suck even more at making sets..and fan art..well I have my own art page but those are all headshots that I like..can't draw for the life of me if someone asks for some special..like lent..I really wanted to draw her an iruka.. anyways like I said only thing I can do is captions..and hardly anyone does them and it sucks...well theres my little ramble/rant..

    btw I'm sick with fever and uh some puking so forgive my non thinking more then usual please and thanx..love you all!
  3. Sinebran
    Ai, I'm big into all that stuff. I think it's because I love long haired, older(but not old >.<) men. And the sensuality of it all.

    I always dislike when an artist takes a character who's in their 20's and higher and makes them into a child.

    Can't really help you with the points issue. Seeing as I just put mine in saving and watch the grass grow. But, if theres ever a way I can help just let me know!

    I'm sorry your not feeling well. Hope you get better soon.
  4. kumakun
    yeah maybe I'd have more if I stopped randomly giving them away
    I don't really want people to just give me points..I wanna get them on my own..only captions is the only thing I can do

    thanx..I think if I get some sleep I'll feel a bit better..and I got some nice comments about my fanart so I'm happy ^ ^
  5. hayenga
    Yet again me in the confusion because i am ALWAYS GONE! -__-""""" but how is everyone!? all is well here i guess... but yeah hahaha
  6. kumakun
    I don't get how you're always confused lol we aren't talking about anything

    how are things with you now?
  7. yng_tr
    Hi everyone!

    As a shy person, the reason why I join this group is that I'm DESPRATE to make new friends, lol.
  8. kumakun
    whats up?

    pnish can not draw lol omg mina
  9. hayenga
    HI Yng_tr!!!! Nice to meet you!!!!!!

    and i know that Kuma, thats the exact reason WHY i get confused!!!! >_<
  10. Sinebran
    Just nod and say yes hayenga, always works for me. >.>

    Welcom yng_Tr. Nice to meet you.

    Doing good on my front. Even if I'm stealing every possible to read.
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