aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    lol those are awesome! so happy you played with me!
    I was thinking of doing a saiyuki dance crew but my friend loves them more then me so I was going to see if she would...but you did so

    also theres no wrong way to do it since its all for fun ^ ^

    this is killing me! http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=BNSWxh...eature=related
  2. xHighOnHorrorx
    >> back .... sorry guys... my pcs are down so i officially stay on my laptop ... for a while .. >> which means alot of work ... ._. i do my work on my laptop and it'll just keep sticking in my mind if im on it wassupp kuma and all?? How be ya?
  3. kumakun
    oh I was wondering where you were at ^ ^ nothings up...a few new people...and older member came back (for one day and hasn't been seen since o_O) and I'm making up dance crews for the fun of it
  4. hayenga
    Nothing much here i guess.. wigging out though cause i havent gotten to the college yet and classes start in the next few weeks O.O""" and i dunno where to go and what to take its all so hecktic!
  5. kumakun
    I have an image of you running around like elmo down there in my head now
    I bet it is..muka is going back on the 12th..don't know if you've been talking to him or not...(still waiting to see his pix!)

    ok I think I just figured something out ( amazing as that is)
    you guys know how I'm crazy for tuti and takashi right?or sometimes I call him nagayan..but anyways you guys know about that..I think I just figured out why in my head they are together..I think its because I see them as katou and iwaki..I saw and read haru b4 I knew who tuti and takashi are but I was just reading a fic about them and they were talking like katou and iwaki..about working together and being lucky in doing so...sounds just like them..and then it clued in that in my head the romace from haru has been moved over to real live people who are sorta like them ( only I don't think they've done porn..or that they are together) but anyways theres my thought on putting them together and loving them as much as I do...only thing is..they both sorta seem more like katou to me
    I don't know if the person who wrote the fic has read haru but it really clicks as the same to me by the way the person wrote it..I am so weird I know..but hey its me and its 5:36am:croc:

    ok I am now sure thats why I like them so much...(I think?) because another fic about them is almost the same as reading haru wo daiteita
  6. hayenga
    OMG! KUMA!!!! I LOVE HARU!!!!!!!! hehehehehehe! I think that its my favorite! *giggles* i actually cant stop giggling right now, it bad! but that was the first that i read/saw when i started out my YAOI conquest! (ITS AMAZING!) so i think thats why i love Haru so much!
  7. kumakun
    katou and iwaki san! lol yeah I love them the most too...to bad theres not more fanfiction cause I want more! its my favorite to actually too...katou is just so cute!

    new pic of tuti and nagayan out..they like to tease..on purpose I don't know..but still! ahuifjeer-0fie2roi90u

    I don't think people pay attention to the fact that I randomly give out points to the little games I play..
  8. Sinebran
    /le sigh

    I've nearly given up on Loveless. The artist has aparently broken her leg and won't be putting out anything new for awhile. Which makes shit loads of sense in my head -.- As it were, the story isn't making much progress anyways.

    something I figured I'd vent here because I can't do it with my friends. I'm sorry if this makes anyone feel bad and such, its not my intention, nor am I bragging.

    For being 20 years old I make really good money. And I'm currently living at home to save for a downpayment on a house, so I have quite a bit of excess cash on hand. I love all my friends dearly, but its just so frustrating when I am always paying their way, paying for things. Or they don't want to hang out because they don't have the money. Which is fine, I can't imagine that theres nothing to do that doesn't cost anything.

    And then theres the being envious thing.

    Which again, I can't understand, I used to be in their positions, my parents built themselves up from nothing, as did I. And Im by no means greedy with it. If someone needs to save gas, I drive. If someone can't pay for a movie ticket, I pay for it. But sometimes it just gets a little frustrating. So if I stop paying then suddenly people seem to be busy or just don't have the money.

    Since I do this so much it's almost automatic to reach out and slap my card down even if the other person has the ability to pay. Which is a bad habit to get into, but I just want people to be happy. Or mabye I should just start asking for monthly invoices for my friendships.

    Sorry for the long vent, just had to get it off my chest.
  9. kumakun
    oh no go for it..and I understand I was the same way once and it did bother me alot..tho few of my other friends did have money and would do the same for me time to time if I didn't have it on me..so its not exacly the same...but I do know that it bugged the hell out of me when it was one of my oldest friends..I mean I knew we were friends because when your 4 and 5 you have no money and so it didn't matter but by highschool it was like...get your own money or get away from me..thats how I felt..didn't say it tho... money sucks I think either way...not having it and having to worry and having it and having friends be stupid
    theres my own little rant about money..

    but yeah anytime you feel like it...come in and have a little vent ^ ^ we don't mind..I don't think..I mean I do it all the time and no one says anything..^ ^

    side note....thanx for playing *wink* shhhhhhhhh:croc:
  10. kumakun
    ok play time again since theres nothing going on...if you were leader of a dance crew who would would want on your crew? anime wise

    my crew?

    ryuichi sakuka because I think he'd look sexy if he got into it..you know what I mean..like when he was listening to the music and shuichi walked in...thats the smex
    so I think 1-he could do it and 2-hes the smex and that works in my favor lol

    Ichigo from bleach because you know he'd pick it up really quick and do trick dancing (cause really...thats what it looks like sometimes)

    yoruichi for the same reason and if I need a girl..I'd pick her I think

    dearka from gundam seed because I get the feeling he'd know how to dance and hes smooth

    ...got any guesses to who I would pic for my last 3? hint....its not kakashi or iruka..
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