aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. hayenga
    thanks Kuma, i needed that. and i see what you are saying there. and i have anger issues too hhahaha.

    Sinebran your right its always nice to have someone that can level you off when you need it.

    yeah i know Dreamer but it was harsh of me to just go off like that i usually dont so it was hard for me not to say sorry. :P
  2. Sinebran
    double post
  3. Sinebran
    maaaan Im kinda depressed. If any of you know Criss Angel/Mindfreak you know about his live stunt tonight. I decided not to go, but sitting outside of work watching the cars pass by to hit the bridge to the beach I regretted my decision. My hours suck -.-
  4. kumakun
    I saw the first of it but didn't end up watching it even tho I am a fan..he does some crazy shit..ya shoulda went!

    I have anger issues? * innocent look*

    also I'm happy you guys didn't yell at me for the rep thing

    I've seen a thread about this but I wanted to ask about it in here too...when people call you pretty..or say your art is awesome do you believe them? I mean I'd like to but I just don't get it...and it bothers me...I mean once I was out with my best friend to visit my make up teacher and these people jumped on me tell me how pretty I am and touching my hair ( and no they didn't work there...they were getting hair and make up for a wedding) and robs like never mind that look at her eyes! and my friend is standing there and I felt so bad...or when I get in touch with someone I hadn't talked to in awhile they say "oh you're as beautiful as always! it really upsets me..and now people are saying it about my art..and to me..its not really art...I mean it is but nothing that great..I don't use colors and I never do full bodies for some reason it makes me feel really down..I'm such a weirdo anyways I was telling you because 3 people in the past hour have said sorta the same thing..I don't think I trust people

    ok something must be wrong with me..everytime I see something that irks be I wanna bad rep the hell out of the person ( don't because I don't like the feel of being bad repped but djfkerngfkrmngf I really want to) I just saw a newbie tell an older aarin member when can and has been done...I almost flipped out..the person has been here from the start and has a buncha bees I think the person knows what the person is doing..the newer person hasn't even been here 2 months ok I am so so sorry for being a bitch lately..everything is pissing me off and I'm tired..no excuse my while I go cry because yet again I an WIDE AWAKE at a time where I shouldn't be

    maybe its bugging me cause it was a newbie acting big? or maybe my views have changed since my fisrt joining..
  5. Sinebran
    I should have. Except that I probably wouldn't have been able to see anything. 15000 people on the beach strip means it was crazy packed. And our beach is separated from the mainland so I have no idea where everyone parked O.o Some people even parked in the courthouse parking lot. Which is where I work and you still have a loooong walk over the bridge >.<. I still regret not going.

    Anger issues are fun. I get them sometimes. Though yelling is over rated.

    When is comes to being called pretty and such, when its un-provoked I just take the compliment whether I believe them or not. I get that to where random people talk about how pretty my face or eyes are. or my hair (which is a lie, I use the sedu straightner) Generally people don't talk about my art because I don't really show anyone and its more photo manips then actual art.

    Now when it comes to on the Net, I hardly believe anyone. Because its just so easy to lie.

    Ignorant people that act like they know everything bugs the shit out of me too. But, also when people attack my ideas. I should be used to it by now, seeing as I generally have views that oppose the popular belief. It still pisses me off.

    Your views have probably changed as time goes on. Especially if you become apart of a click and become accustom to the ol' timers and the way the forum runs.
  6. kumakun
    I'm not part of a clique so far as I know..and the persons whos thread it was isn't even one of my friends...just pissed me off anyways I'm to tired to stay on..
    talk to you guys later!
  7. hayenga
    MEN F@$KING SUCK!!!!!!!! GAH!!!!!

    You would think that after what happened the other day they would understand that i DO NOT like being held down on the ground!!!!!!!

    *sigh* whatever...how is all you?
  8. kumakun
    some idiot did it again?

    I got mad at my drawing of yzak so I gave in and messed up for the hell of itfelt good

    maybe we should take about happy things for a bit..people seem to be running away..tho we can talk about whatever..I don't mind if no one else does ^ ^

    I'm always here to listen
  9. hayenga
    yes another DUMB@$$ MAN screwed it up again and i wanna KILL THEM ALL!!!!!

    haha nice at least one of us is feeling alilo better.

    same for me am always here to talk about ANYTHING! haha
  10. kumakun
    I had a wire hook caught in my toe and had to unwined it to get it out....it was super fun...I keep saying"I really had a wire in my toe right?!?!" cause the way it went in it should hurt and it doesn't...and when I first did it I didn't notice so I just kept trying to walk until I felt it dig into my toe bone..I love it
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