aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    no i was just in a bad mood and didn't feel like talking...depressed again
  2. Sinebran
    depressed is never a good thing. Though I find that its something that cannot be avoided without giving up on emotions as I have done ^.^.

    Not recommended btw. Better to feel the pain then nothing at all.

    On the subject of weddings......marriage, commitment and structure oh my! Creeps me out.
    Sorry I'm in a weird state.
  3. kumakun
    seems a bunch of us are in a weird state
  4. hayenga
    yep weird state here too.

    I just punch some guy in the wind pipe *rolls eyes* and he thinks its my fault that he freaked ME out, i dont much like it when someone tries to push me to the ground and sits on top of me. its not something that you do to a rape victim and men cant understand that.
  5. kumakun
    spicyStrawberryyou're not really supposed to put rep for rep in your sig...people do it anyway...but you're not really supposed too...you're only supposed to rep if someone leaves a good post...rep by rep is unfair because it ups your rep without you doing anything...sure if someone reps you rep back..find a good post by them and rep it..tis what I do...but don't yell rep for rep...I've seen people get BAD rep for that...and no I'm not ragging on you or anything like that...just didn't want you to get a bad rep..and believe me..some people are very touchy when it comes to rep for rep..wow I really sound like a bitch..its my lack of sleep talking but just be aware of that ok?
    also in contest and trivia threads you can't edit a post..thats why you couldn't change it
    anyways if you keep your rep for rep I hope no one bad reps you for it!

    hayenga- uh..what? are you saying you were raped b4? I hope not
    my cousin did the same thing tho...punched the guy in the face and ran...

    sorry to those for find my rep for rep rant bitchy..couldn't help myself..when I see people doing things they could get bad reped for I tell them..it doesn't always happen...but I've been bad reped for stupider things then that
  6. hayenga
    O.o what are you talking about Kuma!? am totally LOST here! hahaha

    Um.. yeah i was, when i was 14 that was 5 years ago and i still have problems with it. yeah its something that it just didnt want to deal with. some guy thought it would be funny to hold me down and freak me out, NOT FUNNY! so i punched him in the windpipe and walked away. but i kept having relapses and remembering things that happened. thats just not something i would have liked to happen on a night like last night i had a great night until that point and it ruined it! and i was there for another 4 hours it was not fun NOT FUN AT ALL!!! i was frickin pissed and my friend Brian would not let me out of his sight the rest of the night. but its nice to have him there he made me feel safe where as everyone else just scared the crap outa me. hes the only one that can calm me down when i'm hysterical like that. (well other then my mother)

    sorry about ranting like that and telling you guys this i dont think you all need to hear my problems.

    How is everyone else in here?
  7. Sinebran
    Its good to have people that can center you after things resurface again. Hang on to them the best you can! ^.^

    This is one of the best places to vent your problems, the anomity (word? lol) of the internet is a wonderful tool.

    I'm surviving, cold is finally gone. Though now, even though I can get back to the gym finally, I feel more hermit-y then ever.
  8. kumakun
    I'm sorry to hear that hayenga and that guy was damn lucky I wasn't there cause his head would have been through the wall..I actually put my hand though a wall and said "that could have been your face MOTHER****ER!" yeah I have rage what can say..tho I've never actually hit anyone...people being to busy bein scared to mess with me...tho I am a nice person...I notice I only tend to snap if its someone doing something to someone else and no one is doing anything ya know?

    I'm happy you had your friend there with you tho I wish you could have left when you wanted too and a from all of us RIGHT EVERYONE?

    also I was talking about a sig that had big letters saying REP AND I REP BACK or something...that always bugs me..and I KNOW people bad rep for people doing that so I was just warning the person to change it to something like "if you rep me leave your name" that way it doesn't sound as much like they are just trying to get rep power..that bugs me and its not the way to do it! the sig was something like that but a little different..I wasn't being mean I just didn't want the person to get bad reped you know?

    since the person is a group member here I thought I would say it here too I did feel bad and said I would buy a card to make up for it....but you know its true...older people on this site are really touchy on this subject and I'm getting that way to...of course its nice to rep someone back..just..do it to a post the deserves it..not just cause you see it and know you get free rep..know what I mean?

    YO Sinebran how ya doin!?!
  9. Sinebran
    Of course Kuma. Group hugs are always good ^.^

    You definitly a wonderful sense of equal justice concerning the rep comments in the sigs. It kinda erks me too, but not enough to really say something.

    I'm doing alright, wishing a didn't have to go to work. Being surrounded by a bunch of women in their 50s and 60s can be fun sometimes, but it can also be a real pain. Seeing as their a bunch of whiners too. We're unbarebly out of balance when it comes to pulling each persons own weight. -.-
  10. Bemused Dreamer
    Bemused Dreamer
    Hayenaga: Kinda late, but DUUDE, you shouldn't have to apologize to us about wanting to vent about something like that. Seriously. That guy was a complete a**hole. Nice that you have such a good friend, though :3

    Anyway, I need to try to somehow do something useful to make up for being... er, completely useless this summer 3_3 Lazing about at home and going out only for my part-time job. Aiya.
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