aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    I don't think I've read anything from there b4

    I'm alive...dr was here yesterday...drew somemore outlines for my art page..might color them in...my just leave them outlines and do more....only thing I can draw is head shots..but maybe its because I'm a make up artist and I study faces? anyways it seems faves or profiles are the only things I'm going to draw....

    geez muka is the only one who is back ( which is alright) but I want everyone back
  2. shavasana
    Hallo! I'm new here! Yes, I'm shy, but thinker? ... hmm, yup I think a lot and keep the thoughts to myself... until I find people to share them with
  3. kumakun
    I share just about everything I think
    nice to have a new member..write as much as you want whenever you want ^ ^

    on a side note..you guys know whats pissing me off right now...people in the intros only saying "hello welcome" you can't do that! its in the rules that you can't copy and paste and say the same thing in every one of them just to gain a point count! I am so mad about it..it makes me want to bad rep people I see doing it...but I would cause I don't believe in it...tho I might tell the people to stop doing it...I'm not trying to be mean...its not a nice thing to do and your not supposed too!
  4. Sinebran
    *wallows amongst her tissues and cough syrup*

    eh people always try to play the system, no matter what system it is >.<

    I have determined that Brad Pitts best acting job was in the movie 12 Monkeys.
  5. hayenga
    O.O it seems like every time i post on here then leave you guys get back on! man thats alright though.

    Nice to meet you Shavasana! WELCOME!
  6. kumakun
    seems I got an invite to kakashi and irukas wedding..I hope its not to mushy..I might have to hurt myself if it is
  7. hayenga
    WEDDINGS!? oh man i just gave myself a headache there. I have sooooooooooooooo many weddings its not even funny.
  8. kumakun
    do you...well then I shall not meantion it again !
  9. kumakun
    I am in the worest mood to ever happen thats all

    talk around me
  10. hayenga
    Kuma its alright, naw go ahead and talk weddings around me i need to hear people atm.
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