aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. hayenga
    Man you guys talk alot.

    and thanks Kuma i really appreciate that. she is doing alright though i guess her most recent doctor played beat the patient that really frustrates me i want to get her out here but she refuses she wants to live with her finance but thats not gonna happen any time soon. i just want her safe is all.

    but how is everyone these days?
  2. spicyStrawberry
    Im pretty shy and lookin for some friends
    will you be mine?
  3. Sinebran
    Allo, welcome to the club

    I've offically gone nuts. Stupid D2D website, won't let my buy FFXI -.-
  4. kumakun
    yo! yeah spicyStrawberry you'll meet lots of friends here..were are all oretty friendly

    oh have you want the beach musical Sinebran?
  5. Sinebran
    yeah, I finally watched 'em. To funny >.< I'm gunna have to actually watch the whole thing now. Thanks for the links.
  6. hayenga
    Hello there Spicy how are you?
  7. kumakun
    hahaha watch the subbed ones Sinebran.."osamu-chan is fighting the whiskers" lol for some reason takashi singing that makes me laugh
  8. Sinebran
    I watched little bits of each one yesterday. It's so funny to see some of the characters prancing around stage singing. Especially Byakuya and Kenpachi.
  9. hayenga
    LMAO! wow guy but it really is. man i got nothing to say here lol and i usually have a crap ton to ramble about.
  10. kumakun
    hayenga lol you lost me...oh and it seems muka had a good time ^ ^ totally forgot his birthday

    I keep walking around doing hona sainara
    i forget his name but the kid that does izuru does him really well I think
    i think there are 3 musicals and they are subbed so when your bored there ya go...plus all the behind the scene stuff ^ ^

    who is the new person?
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