aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Sinebran
    hi hayenga, nice to meet you as well.

    so glad to find someone else who enjoys that pairing ^.^, theres a really good fic thats ongoing on fanfiction.net and LJ called Twin Souls. Check is out if you read fanfuction that is.
    Nah I haven't seen any of them yet, I didn't know they an actual production O.o

    hmmm whats new, whats new.....nothing new on my front, besides the very long list of nonfiction books I need to get through.

    How about yourselves?
  2. kumakun
    nothing really all that new here..have my friends here but I wanted to check my e-mail for something and my tabs were open so here I am totally geeking out on my friends

    I'm reading twin souls too!I'm liking it so far^ ^
    http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=kC2SJj2_7i8 <-- thats to tuti teaching one of the dances ...I just think its funny to see Byakuya,Aizen,Toushiro,Gin,Ichigo,and Izuru all dancing together ( oh and down there I said I liked tuti and takashi they are gin and toushiro in the musical there) there are subbed ones but I'm lazy
    http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=f9TinA...eature=related thats them on stage doing it with everyone

    hayenga we don't have to talk about it anymore if you don't want to but ya know I'm around to listen ^ ^to your friend and you
  3. hayenga
    New new new? Nope nothing here....

    thanks Kuma that means alot to me. ^-^

    whatcha two talkin bout?
  4. kumakun
    bleach ^ ^
    we can talk about whatever tho..or I can leave a long ramble about nothing tomorrow
    (you think her rambles are hard to follow on here...try having to figure it out when actually talking to her she talks fast) shawn said that...and its true..I tend to get lost in my on rambles cause my brain moves to fast...oh well
  5. hayenga
    hahaha nice Kuma! i havent watched Bleach in such a long time. i dont have time for it sadly.

    I like your rambles they are funny, its fun to see what you have to say about stuff and what it is that you are doing hehehe. nice to keep up.

    My frined btw is back on the computer and crazy as ever though she still cant do much. she is starting to move around some but is bed ridden most of the day.
  6. Sinebran
    Thanks for the links Kuma. If I may call you that . I will check those links out tomorrow. Er.... later today. Seeing at its 6:30 am here. Ugh I need to go to bed.

    I've been running around like crazy the last 24 hours trying to get my friends gag gifts together by work today. Still so much to do O.o
  7. kumakun
    of course you can..most people on here do..they only use kumakun if they want to catch my attention..or thats what I think aways

    anyways everyones gone home and I feel like crap

    hayenga good to hear about your friend!not the bed ridden most of the day but that she can now go on the computer

    Sinebran what were you still doing up at 6:30 am? do you have insomnia? I do..that why I'm around at that time
    gag gifts them? did they like them?
  8. Sinebran
    why thankya.

    gone home? Did ya have a party or something along those lines?

    I work from 5:30pm to 1:30am. Usually Im in bed by 530 at the latest. But, ya know, theres always those 9am mornings >.<

    Yup, she enjoyed them. It was my friends last day on our shift, so I materialized all the running jokes we've had recently. There was everything from a cross to a jar of dirt. heh.
  9. kumakun
    lol well happy to hear she liked them ^ ^

    no I didn't have a party..my friends from back home keep asking me to come home and see everyone but I don't want to ( for actual reasons) so they came here...they didn't tell me they were coming till they were more then half way here that way I couldn't say no...we had fun even tho its so hot I can hardly take it
  10. Sinebran
    thats cool. I'm glad you had fun

    Aye, it's hot as hell here to. I just got in from a little yard work and its blazing out there. Luckly since I'm so close to the beach it keeps us from getting into the extreme weather.
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