aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. hayenga
    hahaha yeah Kumakun here has no problem doing so and neither do i! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *coughs and gags* *sighs* I'm ok!! Hi Mephisto how are you?

    yeah she just took a turn for the worse Kum. -__-" her Uncle is taking her to the hospital as we speak. I'm really worried i am in the dark here and he hasnt got the time to tell me what just happened......T~T
  2. kumakun
    I know I shouldn't be laughing but for some reason I found you calling me kum funny..no one else has done that on here...I'm weird..we all know it

    I'm sorry to hear things have gotten worse for her..do you have no idea whats going on? you said she was in the hospital b4..why did they let her go home? ( also I don't know if you know but I don't like drs..I've never had a good one in my whole life..the one I have right now thinks I'm scared of being seen so I dressed up in my itachi cosplay clothes and did the numa numa in front of everything..I don't know how else to prove I'm not scared of people seeing me..I mean that screams "HEY LOOK AT ME I'M CRAZY" tho maybe I shouldn't look to crazy...bah stupid ****ing drs) alright I'm sorry for that...just had to get it out of my system I really do hope that she gets better soon I know what its like to be scared for someone like that and I agree that its not good times

    everyones sad it seems..I just depressed myself while leaving a huge ramble for poor coz..I'm thinking I should go change what I said so it isn't as long

    have you talked to muka yet? I haven't but I wanna know what happened at metal camp and see pix! I hope they didn't all kill each other

    I am also randomly going to say that I'm sad that its the last season of ER..I'm hooked on that show even tho its the same stuff over and over..I just love them from what I understand carter comes back and I really wanna see that!
    it would be cool if they did do that reunion they joked about last season..I'm hoping they were hinting that they were going to do that in the finale season...blah

    ok well I could keep going but I'm not going to

    have a nice day/night/week everyone!
  3. hayenga
    Its easier that way for me.... i guess my hands are shaky atm so the less i have to type the better. but even with that i think that i'm gonna keep with that maybe kuma thought cause my mind seems to wonder into gutter land when i say kum hehehe.

    no thats alright Kara doesnt like them either. and they really didnt let her go home, she ran as fast as she could from them, to prove that some docs are nuts and need to have there NUTS chopped off, she was attacked by at least three of them. and her uncle killed one *snickers* the little b**tard deserved it. I havent been able to talk to her cause i think that they took away ther computer privileges cause her eyes are shot and they would just get worse from the screen soooo yeah... still dunno why Uncle C took her to the hospital the other day and i'm freaking out now.

    hahaha no i havent, i really would like to see some pics too and hear what went on.

    heheehe yeah i know that, but i'm not a huge fan of the show anymore, i kinda stopped watching a while ago.
  4. kumakun
    yeah most people have stopped watching it..I did for a few years but when luka went to the congo I got back into it cause it was such a good story ^ ^

    I'm lost..whats going on with your friend? tho I don't really expect an answer cause its not my business hope both of you feel better tho!

    coz talked to arch when they were there..seems they aren't fans of moshing they are all supposed to be back now tho...
  5. Sinebran
    *waves* Allo.

    I went trolling for a new group after having some, erm, interesting experiences with some others and was glad to find this one.
  6. kumakun
    hey back ^ ^ nice to meet you

    look hayenga someone new!it seems like its just been us talking for the last bit ( or also me talking to myself)

    I saw that you like bleach..do you do pairings?
  7. Sinebran
    nice to meet you as well

    of course I do pairings :P

    Im current list is: RenjixByakuya, chadxishida(more hinted then hardcore), GinxKira, ShunsuixUkitake annnd IkkakuxYumichika of course ^.^
  8. Sinebran
    double post.

    Oi, stupid internet.
  9. kumakun
    shunsui and ukitake I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol yeah I like them to
    do you watch the bleach musicals? I have a weird thing for takashi and tuti
  10. hayenga
    WOOT NEW PERSON! Nice to meet cha! hehehe Kuma! Hi!

    My friend, well the thing is that she was beaten within and inch of her life, and right now she cant see well cause the guy that did it put something in her eyes the last time that he attacked her. her doctors keep attacking her and she is so strong, but the man that she is engaged to is having second thoughts about there relationship and if he brakes up with her i dunno what might happen.....but i'm making myslef cry again and i dont wanna.

    How is everyone!? Whats new!?
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