aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. hayenga
    I LOVE THE BAND OF BROTHERS!!!!! My grandpa actually bought me the whole dvd set! WOOT!!
  2. kumakun
    is it weird that I'm freakishly proud that my grandfather was a snipper in the war? I kinda think it is...I mean he actually had to see the people he killed and its upsetting but at the same its something that makes me proud because he wasn't killed so he must have had some skill..I guess I have mixed feelings for it my grandma was in communitcations and my other grandfather was in italy...maybe we aren't supposed to talk about this but it was in my head

    I love how they showed the interveiws of the guys b4 the show....makes a person feel closer to them ^ ^ those guys are amazing ( and spiers was a crazy person running at them..seriously..tho I do not like what he did at the start of this vid..and also no hating because I'm not meaning to upset anyone..I just really think these guys are amazing http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=sYSbC3...eature=related)
  3. hayenga
    hahaha yeah i know how you feel its sad to know that your grandpa has killed someone but you are so proud that he made it through to have you there to share stories with. haha its i think your safe to talk about it in here.

    Oh me too! they really are amazing guys they have so much to talk about and there are only so many people that will listen.
  4. kumakun
    have you ever seen digging for the truth on tv? I feel like watching it now but its not on...museum mysteries of the world is on tho and thats always interesting ^ ^

    I think I made one of my msn friends watch every band of brothers amv that I could find poor girl!

    oh its russia today ( the show I'm watching) tho I think I've seen it b4 oh well I'm sure I'll learn something new!
  5. xHighOnHorrorx
    Ok ... baaack!! kinda.. >> (sorry havent been online) >> meh .... wasssup !?
    anything happening liek!?
    *excited face*
    and how iz you lot?
  6. hayenga
    I LOVE THAT SHOW!!!!!! Well i'm sure you would have guessed considering thats what i want to go into. hehehe!!! it is always interesting! the new discoveries are my favs! (theres the ! again hehehe)

    hehehe nice. my big sister got me hooked, we used to watch them all day and make a marathon of it! -__-" now we cant cause she's in another country!!!!! ITS NOT FAIR!!!!! *sighs* I'm ok now....

    hahahahaha nice! have you seen the show Cities of the Underworld? I absolutely LOVE that show too! its amazing!

    Hi there HighOnHorror! hows it going? good here just doing the normal ramble and talking to everyone on here!
  7. kumakun
    welcome back we are all ok.. I think? I am for the most part

    yeah I have seen that show too! it was on today I think but I didn't watch it..I think I was watching an old ep of ER?

    to bad about her being in another country..its fun when you have someone to watch the shows you like with isn't it?
  8. hayenga
    ER?! I used to watch that show! The old ones are the best.... the new ones suck hard core!

    yeah it is better if you have someone to watch them with but she over there for a great cause so yeah not to worry i'll see her in three months!
  9. xHighOnHorrorx
    Hi Haye im fien just really tired .. what about'cha?

    what show your talking about huh??? let me in on it to!!
  10. hayenga
    Me I'm good i guess just a little sick thats all.

    We are talking about the shows Digging for the truth, ER, and Band of Brothers (amazing show!!!!)
Results 691 to 700 of 2934