aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. hayenga
    hehe thats alright i dont mind, the rambles are fun to read.

    Yep! He's great.. he is a very interesting one isn't he.

    yeah i didnt think that you were male i mean you sound more female then male when you talk. but people are ignorant and dont take there stupidity personally.
  2. xHighOnHorrorx
    Erm.... yah so im a shy person that thinks alot(in real) and people get annoyed at me for it... so i figured this would be a great place for meh :P Heh... so hope dont mind meh ... much... >> and urm be nice to me please..!
    so how ya'll? :P
  3. hayenga
    HI THERE HIGHONHORROR!!! its alright we are all shy people that think alot! and it sux that people get annoyed with you for it. Kumakun is the same hehe she is always thinking and always talking randomly. hehe but thats what we do here I do the same thing!

    am good how about yourself? btw I LOVE THE AVI!
  4. kumakun
    I'm alright thanx..and you?
    talk about whatever you want so long as it doesn't go against the rules and all that ^ ^
    hayenga is right..I do think and ramble alot..if I can get away with the stuff I say then you should have no problem...and it doesn't have to be yaoi related
    I agree with hayenga..your ava is cute ^ ^

    watch out hayenga the muka plauge might get you!..once it does you notice you use ! alot more then normal!..tho it is fun!
    you beat me to the hello! well that makes me happy that you joined in here..I hate when people don't say hey to the new people!
    do I sound more female? I guess I never really thought about it
  5. xHighOnHorrorx
    @hay: Heh yah.. im very random ... most of the time ¬¬ and thnx im all good, Hehe yeees elmo likes to dance alot it would seem thnx!

    @kuma: Yay i can talk about anything! thats nice yah i do love elmo ^^!

    let me say one thing ... i think you sound female then maybe its just me .. but you do, just so you kno .. like.
  6. kumakun
    ok ramble of the night....I was talking to alisha about how she should buy a summer dress at oldnavy because they have some nice stuff that doesn't cost alot..and then got on to the subject of new kids on the block is it freaking anyone else out that they are doing a tour? I was 4 when they hit it big! wow...I never thought I would see this day( and now that I'm thinking about it..have I talked about this b4?)
    I know the words to their songs...that just seems..so...wrong
    how many of you had their dolls?
    I had/have donnie ( I know hes around here somewhere cause I saw him when I moved) and joey...who sounds alot better now that hes older!
    jordan/jordon bothers me because it seems like he didn't move on with his life or anything...everyone else went off and did their own thing but he was caught...sorta sad..but whatever...

    I still like donnie...maybe not so much as a singer but I loved him in band of brothers! I was surprised to see him in it but was happy all the same! ...he got hit in the crotch with...what was it? morter? ...doesn't matter cause he got hit in the crotch o_O
    la la la la la la tonight..la la la la la la la tonight!...oh joy..now its in my head
    I also watched their cartoon and had pjs
    its so weird looking back on it now...
    if your ready to rock with the new kids on the block somebody say oh yeah! omg I shouldn't remember that ..I failed history but can remember that

    ok what else..

    I'm watching band of brothers amvs...its not that I like war..its that I like history ( even if I never passed it ) theres another war one I like too but I can't think of it..oh M*A*S*H stupid me tho thats not really the same thing..even if some of the stuff was..."suicide is painless it brings on many changes but I can take or leave it if I please" and now I have that song in my head..which I guess is better then new kids

    NARUTO movie is on..I love kakashi! and sasuke..seriously..no comment
    bleach isn't on tonight but death note is so gundamseed destiny is also on but I've seen them all I wonder what YTV will buy to replace death note/gundamseed/eureka 7...
    I think they should put kenshin on or something..not because I love it but it would be fun to see b4 naruto or whatever..plus I don't have to wait for dubs...fullmetal panic! would be a good one too...

    we've already had
    witch hunter robin
    ghost in the shell
    dragonball z
    dragonball gt
    zatchbell (still on)
    storm hawks (does that count?)
    fullmetal alchemist
    naruto(still on)
    bleach ( still on)
    death note (still on)

    ........more I can't think of

    WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK SHOULD JOIN THE LINE UP?( and it has to be along the same lines as those ones)

    Storm Hawks are on eh and its the ep where they talk canadian ( usually I hate when people say that..but this is to funny not to say its canadian...its a take off of an 80s cult show..bob and doug mckenzie ...look for them on youtube and the see storm hawks ep 10 if your ever bored
  7. ToxicAcademy
    hello That was a big rant
  8. kumakun
    YO!(kakashi style!
    you joined...

    yeah...it was long...but I could do way longer...I just write what I'm thinking about...most of it makes no sense..but it gives people something to read
  9. Bemused Dreamer
    Bemused Dreamer
    I always thought you sounded... feminine...? or something, kumakun. For some reason, I just never imagined you as a guy.

    Man, it's been a long time since I watched Band of Brothers. I loved it, though it was rather depressing. I'm pretty sure I cried kinda hard when one of the guys died (can't remember his name for the life of me). Kinda wanna watch it again.

    o.O New Kids on the Block are still around? Man, I need to get out from under my rock from time to time =__ I can't remember when I last heard their stuff. Maybe 4th grade?
  10. hayenga
    man yet another ramble from Kumakun hehe thats cool though. yeah i know i do use ! a lot more now its fun i like it! hehehe
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