aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    see and another new one

    anyone got anything you want to say..if theres nothing here by tomorrow night I'll just have to leave anohter long ramble about whatever I'm thinking about..and that might be...scary?
  2. hayenga

    Hi there Endronie nice to meet you! I'm Hayenga, but all ya'll can call me Sammi, if thats alright with you. hehehe

    Kumakun i think i might just ramble myself here tonight i mean you get to do it all the time and i NEVER get to! I would just like to say HELLO to all the newbies here and that i am glad you are here with us! I the wackiest idea the other day, I was doing a car wash for my sister and a friend of mine so they could go to Cambodia, and i thought that it would be funny to draw a picture of, dont ask me why, and encounter of the rock the paper and the scissors, and i did i haven't gotten it done yet but it was the most random thing that i ever did. I mean at a carwash of all things. But any who----i'm rambling i know i said i was gonna but hey *shrugs*
  3. Rukin
    hello everyone, I'm new around here
    I've debating with myself if I should join this group or not, cause I've had serious self-confidence problems but am doing much much better thanks to my friends
    but I figured I could maybe help others with their shyness ^^
    I hope I'll be able to get along, yorosukunde onegaishimasu *bows*
  4. kumakun
    well we are all nice and friendly..the only thing you have to worry about here is if I've slept or not..if I haven't you'll get a 2 page ramble that you'll have the fun pleasure or trying to figure out!

    Jokes aside its nice to have you join us good to know your friends are helping you out and that you wanna do the same for some of the peeps on here ^ ^ I think alot of us are over being shy for the most part ,but I'm sure there will be someone new joining soon so no worries about not helping anyone yet ^ ^

    oh guess who hasn't slept again..right..me time right now is 7:25am..I am not thrilled
    before I go into my ramble or whatever it is I'm going to do I have to ask hayenga something...what? you lost me there...how does washing a car get them to cambodia? what was it you wanted to draw a picture of? in my head its either...
    1-people washing a car
    2-you meeting a rock..some scissors..and paper..
    3-said rock,scissors, and paper fighting each other
    4-a rock..the scissors, and the paper washing the car...
    5-you trying to draw on the piece of paper using the rock as a paper weight..and then cutting it in to the shap of a car...

    are you meaning you held a car wash to get money?I'm thinking yes?
    also there are no rules here saying I'm the only one who can ramble! we used to have long rambles all the time...I miss those days...*pouts because her friends have left her to ramble alone*
    but now there are new people so its all good...still miss them tho

    ok now what was I going to talk about?
    oh right I'm a point *****..I really am...I worked for hours getting pix from haru wo daiteita to enter a contest thing..and I'll only get 2000 points why did I do that? seriously..I need help in the head..its a forum lol points aren't going to get me much in life...I want to have a million points...I will get a million points!....it..will just take some time...to bad I'm so damn lazy

    you know what freaks me out..when you can tell what voice acter is talking and its not what show you think it should be..or something...hearing someones voice coming out of someone else I guess I should say....matt hill and sam vincent do alot of work together and I always think gundamseed...tho it is kinda nice since I miss gundamseed....whats even more creepy..when characters in a show don't get along..and then you hear them in another show and they still aren't getting along....I guess yzak just has that sort of voice?

    kira?kira yamato?
    athrun? athrun zala? they say that everytime they see each other...I swear I want to hurt them..seriously..why????????????you know its kira damn it! its always kira! and its always athrun! and now I feel like muka! anytime I use more then one ! I feel like him! or not! ...cause I don't know what he feels like!

    are there any writers in here? I want a tuti/takashi story so badly but I suck at writing..I'll give you points! even tho that means its less points for me!..and yes..I did put it in the contest/challenge thread!..just no one wants to do it!

    I want some new avatar....they are getting good and I don't want to wait any longer....I mean we pretty much know aang wins but its still interesting..the fights I mean...toph is awesome! and sokka is http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=_CiNYNNOVbA
    but I love him...him..and zuko..together!

    I can't draw foreverforloned at all..no matter how much I try I just can't seem to do it! ..and I really want to draw him...and then theres the thing I wanna do for coz...I've been thinking about doing it for months but I never get around to it..I suck

    you know the scary thing? I could keep going if I didn't feel like this ramble was getting to long...I wanna do some dance dance revalution..I played it for hours yesterday..and I started talking again..ok thats it..I gotta stop my brain now...

    anyways you guys can leave rambles like this anytime you want! I would love to have something to read like back in the old days!

    oh and b4 I forget...doesn't it make you sad when people take your name out of their siggies..it always makes me sad...but most of the time they take everyone out so its not just me..which is better then having it be just me..how many of you have people in your siggies? how many of you want an aarin family? I like my aarinfamily...stupid arch leaving and making it so I have no one to pounce on!

    oh who is the queen on random rambles? me I am!

    Rukin please don't let this scare you off..you don't have to share everything like I do...I'm just weird..and I sorta feel freed...am I addicted to rambling?I think I am...now if I could just catch muka plauge and ramble..would make for better reading indeed!
  5. Rukin
    oooh goodie rambling! yayz!
    I always try to keep myself in check cause me and my selfconfidence-less brain think people would rather die three times over by slow painful torture than to listen to my ramblings
    kumakun, I hope you're prepared cause you just unleashed the floodgates XD

    I like the rambling, I just read yours too and though I didn't understand some of it (cause I'm just plain anti-social and don't know shit)
    I squeeeeeeeeeled at the Sokka Zuko part ^^
    yayz I always thought they'd make a good couple ^^ Sokka is just in denial and Zuko should get that stick up his ass out and put something else in if you get what I mean *grins*

    you know who else is in denial?
    Uchiha Sasuke...
    I mean, instead of following his brother's example and showing of his gayness to the world, he leaves his uke Naruto and goes on and on and on (etc.) about that revenge thingy.....
    and what will he have in the end? and empty hollow feeling cause he left his damn adorable blond uke at home...
    whom has now already been taken by Sai
    now THAT is what I call flaming!
    every episode my sister and I bet on wether or not Sai is gonna flirt at least 3 times with Naruto (or at least show his love to some other characters (whom are as dumb as Naruto sometimes XD))

    And of course Yagami Light...
    if he's not gay, than I'm a girl XD
    and that's not meaning to offend more than half of the world's population
    I love girls... just not in that kinda way :P
    ... o damn... now I started thinking about my boyfriend and I'm in drooling-mode XD
    o well, I'll spare you those details ^^

    o btw, I love writing stories ( though I suck as well, I keep on learning :P)
    but I just don't know tuti or takashi *sighs*
    you've probably got more of a life than me kumakun
    cause your ambition may be getting a million points...
    it's my ambition to watch all cool anime XD
    sort of that is.... the damn teachers at my school keep wasting my time with things like homework *shivers*
    though I actually like math and filosophy, and english is just plain easy
    the other courses.... *squeaks and hides in a corner for the terrible greek-hydra and the terrifying science-scyte-beast*
    lolz o well I guess I shoul stop now...

    wow would you look at that, my clothes are all dried up
    for your information, when going for shopping earlier today I got soaked by rain :P (thank god it wasn't something else XD)
  6. Bemused Dreamer
    Bemused Dreamer
    Rambles are fun to read C: I just... kinda blank out about what to ramble myself, so not many rambles from me >_>

    I-I should probably watch Gundam Seed sometime .__.; I know I'm completely out of the loop here (and so, SO behind in anime...) I have this odd thing where I watch anime series in alphabetical order... I do everything like that.... I hate that I have OCD that only decides to pop up every now and then, but decides to hide in the corner when I probably need it... Though I'm not sure if most people would think they need a thing like that... uh...

    Oh Naruto... so sorry if I offend someone, but right now I feel like slapping Sasuke... like a lot. He really does seem a bit too stupid to be a genius ninja, but maybe that's just me. Oh, but I do love Suigetsu! Am I the only one I wonder...

    Hah, I'm afraid I don't know the pairing, and I'm rather inept at writing, the few times I've tried anyway =_= Though I should probably try writing again sometime, and maybe something that'll reach 1000 words... cause I always freeze up and turn the thing into a drabble no matter how hard I try... though admittedly, I don't try that hard >_>

    You're trying to draw something kumakun? I can never draw the people I know... the few times I've had to do so, I felt bad 'cause I kept wondering if I really drew them the way they look... or maybe I distorted the features just a bit so that they'll absolutely hate me for making them look odd ;_;

    Hur, I despise math and science. I always preferred the humanities/liberal arts subjects. I found myself sleeping or doodling the most in the two hated classes... along with religion... 'cause... yeah....

    Hurhur, sorry for the boring rant
  7. kumakun
    Bemused Dreamer your ramble wasn't boring at all..yours makes sense..unlike mine

    ocd sucks bleep....mines been kicking in harder lately and I'm not to thrilled about it I must say!
    mine has to do with checking things..and remembering..and such...not fun...seriously I sometimes feel like I'm willing the door to unlock itself just to say see its open! I try not to look at the door and stove..and all that so much so it doesn't bother me...

    I think gundamseed has a good story line and I wish there was more...but lucky for me theres alot of doujinshis...not alot of fanfiction..but alot of doujinshis...I wonder why that is?

    which pairing? takashi and tuti?( they are real people and I don't think they are together?..but I want them to be!)(http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=nCEOY_YqvFY should have found one with more bleach but whatever eh?)

    I've been trying to draw foreverforlorned...he posts alot but changes his ava so you might not always catch him...tho he does leave me messages so...uh yeah...I can't get him at all

    I drew alisha and I like it tho I have changed it and made it better since that pick was taken of it..I should take a pick of the fixed one alisha liked it so I like it ^ ^ and drawing is something to do at night like I've said..don't need much noise for that

    Rukin you most likely didn't understand what I was talking about because it doesn't make sense to anyone but me ^ ^ if its the muka thing its because he does ! alot so when I do it more then 3 or 4 times I think of it!

    have you seen the newer avatars? I enjoy sokka and zuko alone time! I wish there was more of it

    I have no life at all these days but I'm ok with the for the most part ^ ^
    you have a bf? thats nice!whats he like?

    I lost my train of thought

    maybe it was about your shopping?I think maybe it was...either that or I was going to ask everyone what they thought about aarinfamilies...

    my legs hurt from doing so much ddr

    this was rather short but I'm watching something and I'll most likely come back and write more later...its only 2 am after all ^ ^

    have a good day/night all!

    and thanks to those who have left rambles!
  8. kumakun
    alisha started a game..if you guys want to play theres a link on vm page ^ ^ it sounds like alot of fun so join a crew eh?
  9. hayenga
    Damn you guys! I leave for a couple of days and i come back to this....-__-"

    Oh well! its alright gives me something to read! How is everyone!?!?!
  10. kumakun
    haha well I haven't been sleeping again so don't be surprised if theres a few more long rambles in the near future ^ ^

    You seem to have made quick friends with muka ^ ^ interesting one isn't he?

    I find it really annoying on here when people find out I'm a girl and stop talking to me "oh sorry thought you were a guy" yeah ok my name has kun in it but I don't think I look to much like a guy..and also it says I'm a girl in pink in my siggy
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