aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    hello nice to see you've joined us..whats up?
  2. hayenga
    Hello Riceruka! how are you on this fine day/night?

    HI KUMAKUN!!!!
  3. Riceruka
    Good,thanks.I'm watching GTO right now:P do you know that anime?
  4. Bemused Dreamer
    Bemused Dreamer
    Hi Riceruka!

    Actually I just finished watching that series a couple weeks ago
  5. kumakun
    YO!hayenga! whats up! I've caught muka plauge! lol! ok I'm done! last ! I swear!

    I've never watchted that...is it good?

    btw I believe atlantis was a real place at one time...will be interesting if it ever starts to emerge again...alot of people think it will..so I hope it does
    you know those crystal skulls? they can hold more info then a computer chip...its kinda crazy...I wish we knew more about these sorts of things
  6. Riceruka
    To Kumakun: Yes,GTO is very good,one of my favorite.I wish I could have that kind of teacher.*_* There is a licfe action from GTo,so I have to watch ir after I watched the anime:P
  7. kumakun
    is there? I hope its a good live action...sucks when they wreck them

    someone new joined....hmnmmm
  8. hayenga
    man i've totally misses alot!!!! but nothings really going on here.
  9. kumakun
    nope...it dries up in here from time to time...gotta get the other shy people talking..I mean someone new joined because we now have 66....

    right now I'm going to draw foreverfolorned ^ ^
  10. Endroine
    Perfect group for me ehehe XD
    hi everyone~
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