aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. hayenga
    haha thats funny! yeah i understand what you did seen it happen before. Never done it myself though. I've just beat that crap out of my teacher. his face was priceless when i lunged at him. hehhe
  2. Bemused Dreamer

    Oh man. I don't think I'd ever have the gumption to attack a teacher... though I did kinda launch myself at a classmate once in my freshman year in high school.... I was more amusing than frightening though >_>
  3. hayenga
    Hahaha nice! the only reason i did it was because he felt me up and i wasnt going to take that, so i beat the crap out of him.. and it was worth it cause i found out after the fact that i wasnt the only one that he did it to. there was about 20 other girls from my grade alone that he touched or made a lude comment too. But i was the only one that had the guts to do what i did.
  4. kumakun
    I had to change what I said because I don't want to get into anymore troub;e on here
  5. hayenga
    what are you talking about Kumakun?
  6. kumakun
    I had a rant about something but then thought the better of it so I changed what I said to that...and I can't tell you what it was or else I might aswell of left it there
    what do you think of the crystal skulls? I'm watching the discovery channel again:/
  7. hayenga
    hmmm... not reallly sure i mean they are an interesting subject and all but they just seem like a hoax to me. if you know what i mean. they are cool looking and sound like they could have some sort of ancient mystery behind them but in my opinion they are just something that people are trying to claim have power and really dont.
  8. kumakun
    mmhmm but I think its interesting how they are connected to ancient things and people...so what to you think of mu and atlantis and things like that?
  9. hayenga
    yeah i think is interesting too, but still..... umm i think that Atlantis is highly possible i mean the fact that it is a story that is found through out the world dating back extremely far is a huge thing. It makes sense to me that it would work out in the manner that it did...
  10. Riceruka
    hello! This is my first post here.XD
    Hello everybody!
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