aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. hayenga
    What are you talking about again? man i lost myself....I'm sure you are a good artist.

    But what is going on in your life?
  2. kumakun
    oh someone has left the group..I hate when people leave..it makes me sad
    My life? not alot..I got some sleeping pills so I've been able to sleep and I'm going to draw foreverforlorned when I get a chance...but theres not alot going on with my life right now...how about you?

    how about anyone who reads this
  3. Bemused Dreamer
    Bemused Dreamer
    ;_; But it seems like a lot (?) of people joined while I wasn't paying attention to the member number.

    Er, and... well, nothing new going on in my life really. Summer vacation, so I'm mainly just lounging around at home playing games and doodling >_>
  4. kumakun
    I'll give 1000 points to the person who uploads yu-gi-oh gx doujinshis..only jaden and chazz...I would do it..but I'm lazy and have points I can give away ^ ^
    anyways my friend wants so but no one seems to have any....so who ever adds jaden and chazz dounjinshis to the downloads with get points...not just from me..but from the site as well^ ^
  5. hayenga
    no thats not what i meant, but i saw that people left too, to bad. I was questioning the fired again comment, that through me off.

    My life is good i guess crazy heckic!
  6. kumakun
    yeah I know I just never got back to you...fire the guy who touched you again..he already was...but fire him again!
  7. hayenga
    hahaha AHH! I see was you were saying! *giggles* yeah i got him fired. But I beat the shit out of my high school English teacher who felt me up it was great! I was escorted to the principals office by my peers with him lagging behind being supported by a couple of the other students. All of the girls in my class were like HELL YES! and all of the guys were like o.o" I dont wanna get her mad! hehe it was great!
  8. kumakun
    seems like when have something in common...people try not to piss me off because I'm rather scary ^ ^ I got mad in one class and half threw a chair....and the teacher that I hated even stopped bugging me after she saw an outburst.... she didn't even question me..just moved onto the next person...the look on her face was funny
  9. hayenga
    how so you half throw a chair? haha yeah I no one bothered me after that... it was like by my Junior year everyone knew not to mess with me and they all let the younger grades that just came in about me. hehe it was funny!
  10. kumakun
    well I went to throw it but caught myself b4 I did it so I just pushed it sorta really hard..so it got off the ground but not really..I don't know
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