aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    I think so. They're run by volunteers, and some of these people are a little crazy ... this one I was trying to work with was run by ONE woman ... ONE woman in charge of like 50 or 60 dogs, all in a kennel. She was so rude, and kept saying, "Give me the name of one humane society that can guarantee a house trained animal. Just one name." I am not a bold or argumentative person in the first place, so this was just too much for me to handle. I thanked her and hung up ... I was like shaking and almost crying LOL I don't understand why she was combative and mean to me. I just wanted to adopt a dog.
  2. kumakun
    maybe we could go in like ninjas in the the night and just take one for you?
  3. inabee
    nice pics! kumakun ^^
    don't know, but I got the dog flower pic from my fav funny pic site. isnt it kinda cute?? (don't mean to offend those of you love animals. I love them too~^^)
  4. kumakun
    lol that poor dog..when I see them dressed like that I always think of jay leno..he hates people who dress their pets up...so I guess he would hate me cause I used to dress my cat up...I wonder if I could get my new kitty into a red zaft outfit...his name being athrun zala and all
  5. inabee
    a red zaft outfit for your kitty!? haha!! pet cosplay??
    you really love Gundam Seed, don't you ??
  6. kumakun
    yes yes I do it doesn't get enough love so I'm trying to make up for it
    I think they do that in japan don't they? I was watching something once and they had pets dressed up as characters... anyways I'm not really going to do that..but if I had a silver kitty I would sooooo dress him as yzak up there..yzak reminds me of a cat sometimes..or did..not so much in destiny..:/

    does anyone in here like M*A*S*H? I feel its not getting enough love either...the last 4 people I've asked if they've seen it didn't know what I was talking about ( only alisha knew)..so yeah..anyone ever watch M*A*S*H? p.s. I loved when alan alda showed up on ER...how I love that man
  7. LonelyChild
    hi guys!^^
    im new here so....
    pleasssee be nice to me?
    im soooooooo lonely lol
    (i really am though, but i try to be happy^^)
  8. kumakun
    I'm being less...outgoing now when meeting new people..I'm sorry that you didn't get a warm welcome..but I'm sure once things get going again everyone will be happy to say hey
  9. kumakun
    ArtemisMS do you have your puppy yet? lol some ninjas are working on it if you don't what kind was it again?
  10. LonelyChild
    waaaa Ritsuka is soooo KAWAAIII!!!! i love him lol
    so cute^^
    as well as that pink haired guy in Gravition but sadly forgot his name...lol ::
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