aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    I put my pic in that"post pix of yourself thing"....don't know what I was thinking:/
  2. inabee
    haha! k! I will leave a message if I find any ^^
    umm. looks like I missed destiny talks I guess I should come here more, so i don't miss any good topic!

    I like looking at members' pics!! it's good to know more about those people who I am talking to
  3. kumakun
    theres a dearka/yzak site called deep emotion have you seen it?
    well I just changed the pix in my album to show alisha some kiddie pix..but I used to have some friends in there..blah I feel like crap
  4. blu chocobo
    blu chocobo
    Mmmm... Dearka/Yzak <3

    I think I should get around to Destiny sometime
  5. kumakun
    you like them too!!!!!omg I know have 3 people on my friends list who likes them..oh so happy now!
  6. Ray_olr
    Hi, I'm Ray. I joined this board many months ago, but I'm just so shy I only convinced myself to post for the first time today... Anyway, nice to meet you all. I hope to make friends here.
  7. kumakun
    hello I'm kumakun..I'm usually a nice person...and everyone in here is awesome...so awesome I wont let some of them leave!!!!!!!!!!!!! you'll make lots of friends quickly trust me
  8. unsteady
    Hi, it's good that you decided to post, this is a nice community to be part of, the best forum around! I'm unsteady, and I'm like my name.
  9. kumakun
    since some of you can't see my albums I thought I would show you what I look like I thought it would be nice if other people did too..tho you don't have to...just trying to keep people..unshy? lol
    plus it would be nice to have some pix for this group eh?
  10. kumakun
    let me know if you guys can't see it alright?but if you can atleast now you guys have a face to my name..even tho I have that pic of me and my grandma on my page..
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