aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. unsteady
    In one dogsitting job I had to stay in a pink bedroom. It scared the crap out of me. It wasn't pink pink...more like pinks dowdy inbred cousin. The bedding was this aged pink, the curtains pink, the carpeting...pink! There were also antique dolls dressed in pink with cracking faces. I couldn't close my eyes without feeling them move closer their little porcelain fingers ready to close around my throat...In the morning the sunlight would filter through the pink curtains and color the room red. AAHHHH!! I slept on the couch.
  2. nemine
    holy hell unsteady!
    i feel so sorry for you.. that sounds like a scene from a really bad horror-movie XD
  3. Fighter
    hahaha, poor dolls, I think that anybody that has seen enough movies feels uneasy when seeing them, in bigger numbers XD
    unsteady - when I read what you wrote I had a scene replying from an anime where a possessed doll attacks someone (can't remember which anime it was)
  4. unsteady
    I'm somewhat glad you can't remember Fighter...I wouldn't want to have to go and watch it. Then I'd really be screwed. Any even remotely frightening movie has me up for days thinking about it. Yet...I just can't help watching...
  5. Fighter
    I'm a fan of horror movies (but not gore...they just make me wanna puke and that's it :/) but out of the horror movies the ones I'm most scared are the one's with ghosts in it. After such a movie I can't fall asleep XD. Because I think that only cause I don't see something it doesn't mean that it's not existing. heh
  6. unsteady
    I'm the same way. Ghosts really creep me out. Ghosts and the Mothman. But I don't know anything about that. *looks around suspiciously* I don't know anything! Don't notice me mothman! There is no chapstick! (If you haven't seen the Mothman Prophesies this will sound like gibberish. And I'm okay with that.)
  7. nemine
    i find horror movies quite funny
    i enjoy watching them, and they make me laugh.
    oh gore huh.. fufufu.. no comments ^_^
  8. Fighter
    hahaha, the only make me laugh if they're bad or the old ones.
    Or if I watch a parody before the horror Like in the scary movie 3,4? not sure which, the one with war of worlds and The Grudge in it. When I watched The Grudge after I just had to laugh at the scenes which were parodiet (don't know how to spell this O_o), so I can't say if it would be scary .

    I saw Mothman, and once was enough Sis and I slept in the same bed that night, haha.
  9. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    I saw Mothman at the theatre with my cousin ... gahh that seems like such a long time ago!! It was scary

    Scariest movie ever though is Event Horizon. DON'T watch it!!!
  10. unsteady
    That Mothman movie didn't scare me the first time I watched it, but then I had to go and slow it down during the car accident to see the mothman...it was one of the most horrifying things I've ever seen. lol.

    @Artemis - What is Event Horizon about? Sounds like a bad disaster type movie...
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