aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    WHAT?! YOU? Who said that to you?? *puts on her fightin' gloves*
  2. dealla
    This sounds like a place for me I always have problems with expressing freely on the net. I'm so anxious someone will take what I write the wrong way. The language barrier doesn't help, I read what I wrote 5 times before I post it. And it ususally comes out too stiff and serious I was so nervous when I created my first contest, oh God This is the only forum where I post regularly, I only lurk at the rest. Even here, so many times I'm reading an interesting thread and want to write my opinion, but I stop halfway in the post and delete it. (I see I'm not the only one *relieved*) Big hugs to all shy/thinkers here!
  3. aIshiRoi
    i think this is a place for me also.. I had a lot of fears.. that is because my a bit shy.. *hides* =^^=
  4. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    I was nervous the first time I posted a contest, too ^^ And I still get nervous when I participate in one, because I'm terrified of doing something wrong and having it pointed out to me in front of EVERYONE *dies of shame*
  5. dealla
    @ArtemisMS It's exactly the same with me! I prefer to stay quiet than risk being laughed at *is stupid* And I just did that thing when I started writing and deleted it again :/

    @aIshiRoi *pulls her out of hiding and hugs*

    That's why I post much in the Forum Games I think. I can post there without any holding back, for me it's a way to overcome the shyness thing
  6. kumakun
    I'm gonna start doing threads after my birthday..just wanted to give people a break from me
    you know this is also a good place to go if you don't know where a thread should be started..I know new people have problems with that..I was lucky and got adopted by lent and she helped me..but this will be nice for new people who aren't sure..I have a contest going right now but its a fanart one for my friend..I hope we get some good art..loveless_ar did some good ones so I'm happy so far..

    also how come people keep thinking I'm a guy? do I look like one in my pic? I'm just wondering cause more then one person has said I do..sigh..
  7. Ele
    I'm not exactly shy in forums but I'm not that talkative in real life and my silent way (I'm also very quiet when it comes to body language) irritates people, makes them think I was arrogant or boring... And when I speak I tend to use complicated words which often irritates people as well, so when I'm in a large group of people that I don't know I usually listen instead of talking to avoid embarassing situations.
  8. kumakun
    unsteady where you at?

    I can talk about nothing for hours and then not talk again for days..its like some weird split personality..tho it does come in handy from time to time..
  9. shattered
    im like that too ele! i tend to be really quiet in large groups, especially if there are certain loud people or really talkative people who have out-going personalities ... but if im in a smaller group and everyones either close friends or quite types, then i might speak up more >_>

    i love language so complicated words are fun! dont let that get you down! dont let language sink into sms speak!
  10. fallenazazel
    Well... I'm not really a shy thinker but I don't like being put down, ridiculed, or bad-repped in a public forum (or real life) either, so here you go

    @kumakun ~ I never thought you were a guy... Oh, and if anyone's still giving you trouble about your threads, just chalk it up to immaturity. Theirs.

    This is why I dislike the whole rep thingy. It inhibits a lot of ppl from saying what's really on their minds. I know that this is not real life, but negative opinion still has the same effect on most ppl no matter what the medium is. We are as entitled to our opinion as they are. so...

    Bleah... ignore me. I'm just getting those "unpopular kid" flashbacks from high school.
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