aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. nemine
    hahah Artemis, no reason to say sorry, usually i think i am so much more great than others
    so you like... make me look even worse by saying sorry..
    and kuma, my personality. well let's just say there is more than 3~
    and oh i will add you, even tho you wouldn't want it
    hmh i wonder what would make me cool?
    mnh i have a fanboy? XD
    oh no myspace, i should finally sign in and let ppl know that i am alive..
    or better, kick them all out from my friendlist!
    ... wth is wrong with me for enjoying this so much T__T

    and kuma, ramble away, it is after all one of your good sides ^^
  2. unsteady
    I'm not mean to my baby brother! Just truthful. But I wish I hadn't said anything because now he won't stop asking me what he sounded like and what he should do so he doesn't sound weird (not for my sake but for the girls on OkCupid I think).

    I'm not on Myspace or Facebook or anything like that...somehow I feel too old.
  3. kumakun
    I guess I have more then 3 but those are the main ones I think...oh and crazy depressed..my rambling is part of my good side? haha you know where I have been rambling....kicked you off the page!

    second hand coolness...*is sorry for putting that out there*

    you know what also makes me crazy..when people are on appear offline on msn esp when you know they are on or if your being blocked
  4. kumakun
    oh i like your brother if he is going to let you use his computer so you can still play with us

    unsteady made me laugh and all the birds in the window freaked out and flew away
  5. unsteady
    My brother is very interested in joining a forum with me, but I just can't tell him that it's a yaoi forum...poor kid...
  6. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    I joined MySpace BECAUSE I was getting older ... many of my friends moved to new cities for job ops, so it's the only way to keep in touch (aside from holiday visits).

    I will put myself on invisible in IM b/c sometimes there is just one person I want to discuss something with, and don't really have the time and/or energy to devote to all the other people on my list.
  7. arinna
    eversince i discovered "block" my life became a lot easier
    but seriously now, if i don't want to talk to someone, ever, i don't add them, simple rule.
  8. unsteady
    This sounds like a good poll..."Ever Been Blocked?" ...I have... *sweat drop*
  9. nemine
    haha i have been blocked 128 times.
    i would sooo win ^-^
    and haha kuma XD
    oh yeah i joined to myspace before i knew that such a thing like "forum" exists.
    now i only message with my friend who is rarely on msn -_-
  10. Fighter
    @nemine - you counted? XD I can't say I was ever blocked...do you get a massage that says you're blocked?
    And I joined myspace recently 'cause a friend made hers private, and I couldn't stalk her anymore

    I only join those thinks for other people...like lj, facebook...and end up not writing anything in like an eternity XD
    but facebook is good cause you can just poke somebody so that they don't forget you exist XD
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