aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    ya I had thought about using other users and have a asked a few so your right on about that one not sure but alot of people will get anagrams lol
    umm...forgot what I was going to say
  2. kumakun
    double post
  3. nemine
    oh people, you have totally kicked me out of the page
    how mean.. well anyway.. the new member.. i shall call you 'you'.. cream makes me think of cream.. and i don't like... cream.. ><
    and kuma.. dundundun *huuug-attack*
  4. kumakun
    haha hug attack eh and heres a huge amount of hug/glomps for everyone
  5. nemine
    kuma... that is scary
  6. unsteady
    Kuma, I wish I had that much energy...as it is I barely get out of bed anymore to stumble to the computer and waste my day staring into it's calming glow. If people glomped me like that my lungs would probably collapse and I'd exit my body like a cloud of inert gas... I'm having an off day, if you couldn't tell.
  7. kumakun
    nem you attacked me first so there!

    ya I'm still having an offtime too..my ocd is kicking in big time due to the lack of sleep and I was up freaking out about lost magazines at 3 am..I'm sure the people below me were thrilled:/
  8. unsteady
    I posted a new thread. Check it out and post something if anyone has the time or the inclination (both would probably be best). Click.
  9. strawberriesandcream
    LOL Fine you don't have to call me Cream, 'you' works just as well
  10. nemine
    "I barely get out of bed anymore to stumble to the computer and waste my day staring into it's calming glow. "

    haha unsteady, same here
    and damn how i hate thee.. or something like that. i clicked and posted and now i regret it XD

    okay you.. damn.. i shall call you berry ><
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