aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Ahh ... I did not even think ... that people would care I had left omg, kuma-chan, don't leave! I'm so sorry. I just didn't feel I really belonged here anymore ... it seemed like a private conversation between friends. I was embarrassed and felt dumb ... well, what can you expect, I'm shy and silly lol seriously, don't leave. I'll stay, but I probably won't say much, don't know what to say...
  2. kumakun
    don't feel like you have to stay and in all honesty I count you as one of those friends in this group
    I'll knock off the stupid crap if that helps anything...and don't feel dumb..no one was understanding it except unsteady who can tell you felt a little..something to once she figured it out.. omg so sorry to laugh but that killed me

    I guess since there aren't really new people joining I thought the shy talk could be cut down till more came..and use this as what the other half of the title is..but I wont if i get to crazy about it like I did..I'm so so sorry for being moronic
  3. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Well you do such a wonderful job of maintaining this club and keeping the conversation going; in the club I created, the 6th Division club, I have difficulties keeping the conversation going so I know how hard that is.

    Well, I understand that there was some kind of contest going on, but I couldn't figure out what. I check the contest forum, the game forum, and the chit-chat forum, but couldn't find it. I saw you said it was on your profile, so I went to your profile, and couldn't find anything there, either.

    So in the end I just felt really stupid, and embarrassed, so I left
  4. kumakun
    lol omg not you to..you looked it right in the face!
    its because its not on there yet..it was only for the people in here for now..thats why you couldn't find it there*is so sorry*
    i give unsteady permission to tell you if you want to know in a pm... wont count..but then you would know..and it would be coming from someone else who didn't get it at first either

    maybe we should tell the shy people in the intros to come here if they want to get to know some people
  5. unsteady
    I'll only tell if you want me to, Artemis. BTW I'm glad you came back to the group! I am glad to have my Northern Exposure buddy back! (I don't think anyone else even knows what that is! So see, we have our own little secret conversation!)
  6. nemine
    ooh artemis is back
    and ooh sorry if it seemed like private convo.. to me it's just easier to talk to kuma or loveless cos i have talked to them before .____.
  7. kumakun
    and eating babies is something they do in the lair...I don't but I'm not part of the lair either so uh ya....I hardly know ArtemisMS but I've always found it very easy to talk to her so I'm sure you will to..I mean you talk to people who scare the pants off me..lol no not really but there is some interesting people in the lair thats for sure...

    even if you don't post or anything anymore ArtemisMS I think the new people would like it if you were around to say hello to when they first come...if you wanted to be nice like that I mean
    also did unsteady tell you what it was?
  8. nemine
    *pokes kuma*
    but you still show up in the lair sometimes. and umm.. i find artemis more scary than any of them
  9. kumakun
    ya I show up the odd time but Im still not a part of it..like part of your group even tho I talk to most of you all I'm still not a part of it..besides I don't want to say anything in there then have arch bash me not that he would cause he ignores my posts but whatever
  10. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    nemine, please tell me you're joking about finding me scary

    kuma ~ nemine hasn't told me anything So far, I gather that you are all playing a game, but I don't know what the game is or how to play. Also, what is the lair? And why are you guys talking about eating babies??

    I would be happy and honored to greet new members

    unsteady ~ YAY Northern Exposure!! Oh, Ed ...
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